"Have you seen their faces?" Flynn immediately asked with anticipation of the lady's reply. But the lady shook her head.

"No, I haven't. All three of them were wearing hats and shades even though it's night." Flynn heaved out a deep sigh and thanked the old lady before he left.

****End of Flashback****

"Got any idea who they are?" Flynn asked. Hyde stood near the window, staring outside but his mind is nowhere in the world. What Flynn told him kept his mind occupied.

Men in Black...

It's been years already but Hyde could still remember what happened that day when his father's colleague came to their house. Hyde was about to go downstairs when he saw his father talking to a middle-aged man wearing police attire. It was Inspector Scott, his father's colleague.

"Jack, you don't have to do this. You're putting your life at risk. I can't afford to lose another friend." The man sounded worried.

"They killed George, and you can't expect me to stay still. I need to find justice for him. And the only way to obtain it is to join them." He heard his father resorted with frustration in his voice.

"Dear, you shouldn't be here. Go back to your room." His mother hurriedly whispered when she noticed him listening to their conversation.

"Wait, did you just say men in black?" Hyde resorted when he came back to his senses. His companion didn't speak but answered him with a mere nod.

"Oh, and one more thing, she also said that one of them has some kind of black bird tattoo on the neck." Hyde was stunned when he heard about the tattoo. He's certain, that the deceased man was one of them—or just a scapegoat.

"Flynn, I want you to find every group that has the symbol of a black crow." He immediately commanded the young man. Flynn took out his laptop and began tapping on the keyboard. His hands were moving so fast on the keyboard. Hyde was in deep thought when the ringing of his phone cut him off. He left the window and picked up the call.

"Well hello there, I didn't think you're still alive." A familiar deep gravelly voice stunned the young man. He was nailed to his position and his breathing started to become unsteady. He's definitely sure it was the man who killed his parents.

"Who the hell are you?!" Hyde yelled although his voice was about to crack. He must try not to let his enemy know his weakness, he must sound strong and firm even though he was about to cry. No, he mustn't cry.

"Thanks to that idiot, I knew how you've been all these years." The man from the other line laughed.

"But since his time has already come, and I found him useless anymore. I have to send him to hell and gave him eternal rest." Hyde clenched his jaw and his eyes filled with fiery rage.

"I'll find you. I'll make you pay for what you did to my parents. I'll make you beg for your lives." The young man resorted firmly. But the man again laughed.

"Hahaha Oh dear, don't be ridiculous. You'll meet your parents up there before you could even see a glimpse at me." The man laughed psychotically and suddenly ended the call.

"GGOODAMN IT!" Hyde cursed loudly in despair and hit his knuckles on the wall.

"Hey, calm down and send me that number instead. I'll try to identify the owner of that number." Hyde sighed to calm himself and sent the unknown number to his friend. The moment Flynn received the message he immediately began maneuvering his laptop.

It took him one hour before he found the details about the number, but not all.

"Did you find something?" Hyde asked as he started to get bored reading his book.

"Not much, he was using a burner phone. But I got the phone's location." Flynn stood up and strode towards his friend with the laptop, showing him the screen.

"Black Crest..." Hyde mumbled as he locked gazes at the screen. A familiar place where his smiles began to faint like a firefly slowly lost its flicker.

"What are you planning to do?" Flynn asked upon noticing the determined expression on his face.

"I must return to Black Crest as soon as possible." He uttered with a voice as firm as a stone. Flynn stared at him with worried eyes.

That afternoon, Hyde didn't waste a time and left the hospital and went straight to the agency. All eyes were on him the moment he entered the office, but he didn't pay that much attention to them and strode to James' office.

"Oh, so you decided to leave early?" the man commented when he noticed him entering.

"I don't have time to lie there and do nothing." The young man replied and set himself on the chair after James offered a seat.

"The director just announced the success of your mission last night." Hyde didn't react but he seemed pleased by the announcement.

"So, it means that man spilled the tea?" the man responded with a nod.

"I see..." Hyde said to himself.

"Oh, why are you here by the way?" James asked.

"I'll just cut to the chase. I want to go back to Black Crest." Hyde immediately implied. James remained calm but his eyes were asking him for a reason.

"I just got a new lead to my parents' death."

"Are you sure about this?" James asked.

"I've never been unsure of my decisions." Determination filled the young man's voice as he reassured James with those words. He heard his foster father sigh and then nodded.

"Well, I'll ask the director for you."

"Thanks." He said before leaving the office.

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