Owner of Time

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Dear Iesus Christo,

Blessed Are You Lord Our God,
King of the universe,
God of our ancestors from Adam unto this generation.

Blessed is He The Lord Our God Who humbles the time to The Creator, The Sovereign God Who loves us so much, He who watch and mingle with us through Holy Spirit as we walk to our daily lives. I pray to You Lord Jesus Christ, that You will intervene within our lives mostly in our hard times, like were simple decisions seem so unrational , and even eating a bread without thinking for tomorrow's bread will not happen. I pray Lord Our God that we may read Your words daily, to fill our souls through Holy Spirit. In The Name of God The Father The Creator of Heaven and Earth, The Son of God , Our Lord Jesus Christ Our only salvation, and To The Infinite Spirit of God, The Holy Spirit. Amen.

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