Part one 🤎

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Waning swearing talk of abuse and knifes

Waning swearing talk of abuse and knifes

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{my brother bestfriend one }

Dating Sarah Cameron was a big thing
Her ex's topper was jealous and couldn't understand why she left him for me and I was completely in love with her well I thought I was

Y/n maybank Jj maybank my best friend twin sister had returned from boarding school we were very close when she left but when she left we were 13 we are now 16 about to be 17

I know only two or three years but my eyes sat on her she just got back from school damm she changed in three years I always like her but she is more beautiful her hair was shiny her lips were rose red and plump everything about her was perfect her curves everything
damm it y/n maybank what are you doing to me

Sarah- baby are you listening

Johnb/ um yeah hold on

Johnb- y/n maybank the one and only

Y/n - ahah johnb miss me

Johnb- of course I did princess

*y/n runs and jumps in johnb arms he spins her around*

Sarah- um hello

Johnb- oh y/n you know

Y/n- Sarah Cameron what is she doing here

Sarah- you mean what am I doing at my boyfriend house why are you here don't you have your own home y/n

Y/n- yeah I do right here

Sarah- wait she lives here

Y/n and Sarah never got along they hated each other I think y/n had a thing with her brother but I don't know

Johnb-yeah she does your room has not been touch come I'll show you

Jj- hey I think I can show my sister

Y/n- aw come on Jj I need catch up time with johnb I just spent an hour long drive with you

I grab y:n bag and we go inside to her room she starts to unpack and ask me lots of questions about Sarah and I answer while watching her she's so beautiful her smile her laugh everything

Johnb- Y/n so you want to go swimming

Y/n-Sure but hey johnb can I borrow one of your t-shirts so I can wear it over my swimsuit

Johnb- Sure I'll get it

Johnb- Here gorgeous

Y/n-Thanks go tell the other

I didn't want them to come so I lied

Johnb- Hey Jj pope Kie can yous go get dinner

All of them went off to the van

Sarah- Hey baby what are you doing we should watch something

Johnb- Actually Sarah I was feeling a bit sick maybe we should do something tomorrow

Sarah-Oh um I guess I'll see you tomorrow

After she left I ran in side so I could get going before the rest got back

Johnb- Hey come on let's go everybody had something to do

After a bit we got on the boat her hair was blowing in the wind we came to a stop and she kept her shirt well my shirt on  I took my off  I took mine off I picked her up and jumped in

Y/n-Hey johnb what the hell I was not  ready

Johnb- Sorry

We swim for awhile laughing she swims up and wraps her arms around me I grabbed under her thigh and lifted her up and she warped her legs around me

I missed you y/n

I missed you johnb

We were getting a bit to close and I dropped her she laugh like I did it as a joke we spent hours until the sun was coming down we go back and everyone was on the doc

Jj- hey were did yous go Sarah was here looking for you johnb

Y/n- we went swimming yous didn't want to

Johnb- I'm yeah swimming did she say what she wanted

Jj-something about a party tomorrow if you wanted to go

Kie- but I was thinking to have one for y/n on the beach since she's back

Y/n pov-

I can't believe I'm back here after 2-3 years away after talking to everyone I was so tired so I decided to call it a night Kie said she was picking me up in the morning to go shopping for this party we are having my phone has been going off like crazy I know who it is I just want to ignore them but they won't give up untill I answer

Y/n- hello

Well we'll now you answer girl

Y/n- sorry I was busy

What you don't miss your bf

Y/n-I do Kyle I just um you know tired

Kyle- WELL I DONT GIVE A FUC* I have to go anyways now bye

I put my phone down and decided to have a shower a shower before bed after my shower I clean the mirrors off to wash my face I stand there looking at my self in the mirror I cry looking at the bruises all over myself Kyle made them just 2 days before I came home let's just say he was not happy that I was leaving my neck was bad but water Proof foundation helps cover that I apply some to my neck looking more down on my stomach where he had dragged the knife across my stomach he said that he would make these scars so no other boy would want me the were very low so I could easily cover them if I needed to I sigh and walk back to my bed room going to sleep hoping that my life will get better I just have to find away to break up with that monster

Again this is just the longer book for my short story I have not read over this yet sorry for the spelling mistakes

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