cold season

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Request: The Leclercs brothers would turn in mother hens and be so doting when their sister gets sick there be so dramatic to that pascals shakes her head and have to stop them from rings the hospital even if she just has a cold


arthur has the local hospital on speed dial, and he's calling everyday telling the hotline about your symptomps with a gravelly voice he'll throw in a couple of sniffles and choked sobs, and they'll be increasingly done with him, because it's a minor cold; and they keep assuring him to just monitor your condition, keep you comfortable and warm. but he'll panic with every little shift to your demeanor, and he's sobbing on the phone again. very fluffy!!! tells u he loves u everyday, will sleep on the floor!!! and doesn't let u lift even a hand!!!!

charles would not be better. he's gonna feel physically weak when you're sick, he's researching every remedy, and he even flies in specialists when it persists for more than two days. very clingy when ur feeling unwell!! does not care if it's contagious (which is never) will sleep on the floor so he can monitor u, will literally time your coughs, your medicine and promises to take y/n everywhere once you get well!!

lorenzo would absolutely be both!!! also always has a hand on your forehead, always puts your socks on for you, always make sure you have something warm on your hands. would sneak in desserts and sweets for u, but very little just to cheer you up when both arthur and charles have gone into a protective tangent.

only pascale would be able to get through these boys, and she'd be scolding them to lay off on you

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