Magnetic pencil box

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Memories of the magnetic pencil box

It was just a couple of weeks ago that I was chatting with a friend and the school geometry box crept into our discussion. This took my memory to my 9th birthday party.

It was the 9th of December and a cold wintery evening in Calcutta, my birthplace. I was excited for the small party we were going to have in the evening. Like any 9 year old, I was excited for the presents that my friends would bring me. I was particularly thrilled about one such gift, which I had shamelessly asked for.

THE MAGNETIC PENCIL BOX! Yes, I had already spoke to this kid, Satish, and had asked him to get me one. Every kid in class had one and I wanted it too. Just the sound of the metal touching the magnet was like music to my ears.

So when evening came, my friends who lived in the same building started coming one by one. I was not interested in any of the other presents. Finally Satish arrived and from the shape of the gift wrap, I knew that he got it.

Surprisingly, he was equally excited for me to open it. I did not know then, that he had something else in mind. Anyway, I ripped open the wrap and there was a pink pencil box. I looked at it for a moment and then I took it close to my ears and snap! Wow! I heard it, not once, not twice but I kept opening and letting it snap back.

I was beaming but so was Satish. Then the kids, who was a couple of years younger to me, came up to me and whispered, " Hey, I got you what you wanted and now it is your turn." I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. He said, " I want you to rip the pencil box and give me that piece of magnet. The pencil box for you and the magnet for me."

That is the only thing I remember from that birthday. It was also my last birthday celebrated in Calcutta. We moved to Madras the following summer and have not visited the city since.

Brinda Subramanian

Like I said in my description, these are random snippets and not Ashaangi stories but I hope you will support and enjoy these as much. Thanks for the love.

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