if our love was a song [patpran]

Start from the beginning

     Pran will never admit it to anyone, least of all Pat, that he craves the taller man's attention in a way that leaves Pran feeling as though he has crossed the threshold into obsession. Taking advantage of Pat still being fast asleep, Pran simply looks at his boyfriend without the chance of an interruption given the early hour. Brushing hair off Pat's forehead, Pran can no longer fight back the soft smile when his boyfriend mutters something in his sleep that sounds suspiciously like he's teasing Pran in his dream, the human embodiment of a golden retriever puppy nestling even closer to Pran, so that his head is buried into the join of Pran's neck and shoulder.

     It's so simple, almost a base instinct at the end of the day, but it makes Pran's heart ache in the best way possible, because, truth be told, having Pat by his side is a dream come true. He wonders what has allowed him the chance of peace after so many years of tension and nail-biting anxiety, but, he supposes, that there's no point in looking a gift-horse in the mouth; that he has finally gotten his heart's desire, the time it has taken be damned.

     There was hardly a day that went by, before they got together, that Pran was terrified of Pat finding out about his not-so-friendship-acceptable feelings towards the other boy — and, of course, Pran was also scared of his parents finding out that he and Pat were even remotely close. Both of those things have happened, one far more recently than the other, but there's still a thrum of anxiety that electrifies his veins on occasion, even though he knows that there's nothing their parents can do anymore; they have no leverage to use against either boy and force them into separation. When it comes to Pran's feelings for Pat, he knows that the other boy feels the same in return; that it's not a one-sided relationship, but he's still scared for Pat to know the depth of his feelings — the ones that border on obsession and addiction; the ones that legitimately scare the absolute hell out of Pran some days.

     Right now, all Pran wants to do is cling to Pat and never let the boy out of his sight again.

     Pat mumbles out an unintelligible mix of words and groans sleepily, his body stretching and tensing against Pran's before going lax and a sigh is pushed from his lips, barely a coherent thought in his mind as he presses a soft kiss to the skin of Pran's neck. The sharp intake of breath makes him smile, because of course Pran is already awake — he usually is unless Pat is determined to wake up before his boyfriend and attempt to make them breakfast without setting something on fire. There'd be no need of Pran hiding his instinctive reaction to the simple kiss if he were still asleep — and Pran, no matter how hard he might try, struggles to properly hide most of his bodies' reactions to Pat's nearly constant affection when they're alone, even though he's had several years of practice in that exact department.

     "What time is it?" Pat mumbles against Pran's skin, eyes opening just enough to know that the sun is barely above the horizon. "Pran, go back to sleep, baby. 'S too early, sun's barely up."

     Pran laughs softly, shifting on the bed so he can rest his head against Pat's without straining his neck too much. "I'm not planning on going anywhere, you big baby."

     "Mmm, good. Gonna stay in bed all day."

     He would argue, the words are on the tip of his tongue ready to rebuke his boyfriend's words, but there's something telling him that spending a lazy day in bed doing the bare minimum wouldn't really hurt. In fact, after everything they've been through with the insanity of work and catching up with both friends and family since Pran came back, they really do deserve a day or three where they get the chance to do absolutely nothing except be with each other. So, instead of saying anything against Pat's words, Pran hums in agreement and sinks into the mattress and his boyfriend's warmth, smiling to himself as he feels Pat freeze in surprise, clearly not having expected Pran to agree with him so easily.

JUST FRIENDS DON'T HAVE A SONG, bad buddy seriesWhere stories live. Discover now