"Stop." Aether said simply. "We should rest tonight and head out in the morning when none of us are tired or hungry. I have a feeling this trip isn't going to be easy."

It took long enough for everyone to agree, each person filled with anxiousness and the desire to go. But just as they were hasty, were they also reasonable, and they knew that Aether was correct.

Soon, the tavern was clear and closed, everyone going their separate ways to prepare for tomorrow.


In the long stretch of silence after your daily interrogation - a little smile found its way on your face when you noticed Lumine's growing frustration with you - you swung back and forth, putting all your body strength into it.

Your wrists ache and you could feel every new cut from the metal of your shackles. Every joint in your arms was filled with a dull pain, torso sore and hurting.

The chain squeaked with every swing, and you could feel it getting closer to breaking every second.

A tiny jerk caused pain to flood your body, but when you looked up, you saw that some of the chain had detached from the ceiling, letting you hang closer to the floor.

Invigorated, you swung faster and faster, eager to let these chains fall.

It took longer than you'd like before the chains snapped from the ceiling and you fell to the concrete floor with a harsh thud. It took everything in you to bite the inside of your cheek and not let out a scream of anguish as the pressure from your arms, shoulders, and wrists was finally alleviated.

"Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths..." You muttered as you lay still, the chill seeping into your back.

You didn't know how long it took you to stand up, rolling your shoulders and kicking your legs to revive feeling in them.

You quickly shuffled behind the door to your cell, so that when it swung open in the room, you would be hidden from view.

With steady breaths you gathered the chains in your hands, shackles still around your wrists. Holding it in both hands, you held the chain taunt, waiting.


Morning could not have arrived faster for Aether, who, for the life of him, could not get a decent sleep. He slept, he supposes, in the most technical sense he did rest. But his night was plagued by vivid nightmares. Nonsensical, violent images that made him twist and turn in bed.

Black bags hung under his eyes as he stared at himself in the mirror. Brushing his hair he couldn't help but notice the new sallowness of his face, brought on by stress and despair. The wide toothed comb was a pleasant feeling and he soon let his silky, golden strands hang around his shoulders in a pretty curtain.

Strapping his sword to his side and adjusting the last of his clothes, he and Ariel set out for the tavern once more.

Ariel had been concerningly silent. Unless it was comfort for Aether in his times of panic, the angel did not speak often, choosing to act as a form of quiet reassurance.

Aether slid his palm against Ariel's fingers. "How are you... managing?" Aether felt the fingers twitch. "I don't want to ask if you're alright, I know you're not, none of us are. You were undoubtedly the closest to Polaris, but you've been so kind and calm, it's disconcerting. I just want to know how you're handling it."

"I-T I-S D-I-F-F-I-C-U-L-T."  The fingers finally spelt. "I D-O-N-T T-H-I-N-K I H-A-V-E B-E-E-N D-O-I-N-G W-E-L-L."

Aether intertwines his and the angel's hands, giving Ariel a firm squeeze. "Well, we're going to find them. They'll be with us soon." Aether stopped, quickly jumping forward where he knew Ariel was, and wrapped his arms around him.

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