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"Addison wake up, you sleepy head!" Daisy yelled causing Addison to steer sleepily "go away" she mumbled wrapping the blanket around her

"You lazy thing get out of bed we are going for a tour round campus" Daisy says

"I don't want to go" Addison grumbled "c'mon it'll be fun" sighing Addison got out of bed

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, she wasn't ugly but she believes that's she's hideous

She had Auburn hair with emerald green eyes for a red hair she didn't really have freckles

Sighing she poured a bubble bath into the water and relaxed

It was her first time in this college, she misses her other college but her parents had to move her

Hopefully she won't bump into anyone from her high school

"Addison! How long does it take you to bath?!" she rolled her eyes

"Geez, I'm coming!" Addison replies rinsing her body


"C'mon It's fun" Daisy says I rolled my eyes "your definition of fun Is different from mine"

We've been walking around campus and it's really annoying but it makes Daisy happy

"Don't you have classes to attend?" I ask Daisy "by 3 and there's still a lot of places I want to show you"

I shook my head I really missed my Best friend

"OOMPH!" I landed on my butt owww, who the hell builds a wall on the road!

"Oh my, if it isn't the nerd freak" I know that voice anywhere even in my sleep

Kyle Miguel, to every girl he's the hottest jock in town but to me he's my bully

I'd find him attractive if he didn't bully me

Why he does it, I don't know but the least thing I wanted was to run into him and Kora (my second bully) here

"Still as blind as ever, eh" I got up "I should be asking you that question" he looked taken aback

I might be a nerd but there are points in my life I turn into a sharp mouthed bitch and now is one of those instances

Kyle growled lowly "You-" I didn't let him finish

"If you have a problem with me why not write it on a piece of paper and shove it up your ass" oops I've done it again

His friend snickered annoying Kyle more "apologize to her" I held daisy back

She's way worse than me and she lacks a lot of filters "I don't apologize to freaks" he snarls

"Good grief, at least I know my friend is sensible enough not to lower her IQ to a walking STD'S level" I noticed his friend laugh

"YOU!" his friend pulled him back "let her be, c'mon let's go" he obviously wants to argue as his friend pulled him away

I sighed in annoyance "Addie" I walked away angrily totally ignoring her calls

"C'mon Addie" I climbed the stairs in annoyance "don't you have classes to attend?" I said

"Oh shoot!" she ran around before running out I chuckled, she is so disorganized

I need to take a nap


I woke up with a start, why are they suddenly so vivid? Is it because I'm back to this place?

But in the afternoon it's not meant to, sighing I took my pills I'll be so late for class

I took a second bath since I was sweating profusely

Why are they suddenly so vivid? And in the afternoon? I seriously have no idea

Why this is happening I think it's the change of environment

I already hate this place first, Kyle now this, I wonder what else would go wrong.

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