Part 28: One last time

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I see where it's all going
I feel as if the sand beneath
My feet is slipping out
I'm feeling unstable again

The fear of not being
Good enough
Looms around my head

I try to tell her
Please stop tearing me down
I know you have no good intentions
Than to bring me on my knees
This time around

You tell me you love me
But I don't see it in your actions
For once please stop
Overpowering my life
Making me question
What's real and what's not

I've never been this happy
And I know I'm living with
All those blessings
Yes the blessings I've always
Prayed for

So please don't bring up the
Unknown future into this
And destroy me again
I know what you're capable of
At the same time I need you here
Cause you've guided me
When I was alone

And I know you don't mean to
But then you must understand
That it's been breaking me apart
Making me question
My own worth

I know why she gets defensive
She is just trying to
Protect me from possible pain
She has always warned me
Of things but
I was never one to listen

But can we believe
one last time
I ask her
And she said what if ?
What if you're
crying in my arms again ?

And what if things go wrong
She asks me
But that's the point of life
I say
It's all the uncertainty
That comes with it

What if things are way better
Than you could ever
imagine it to be
You never know
Or for the worse but
It ends with me
So does it even matter

After all the world runs
In hope and trust
So one last try ?
A leap of faith maybe ?
And she said yes

Soulmates who weren't meant to beDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora