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Agent 3 jolted awake, flinching at the sunlight that pierced their eyes; Agent 4 jumped back.

"Jeez..." Agent 4 whispered. 

"...sorry...." Agent 3 groaned, yawning then stretching their arms. "Did you need something?"

"Marie asked me to wake you, I think she needs you. I'm working for Grizzco all day so don't wait up for me on dinner." Agent 3 looked at their phone; 2 unread messages.

"Ah...thanks...and be careful-"

"On the job, I know!" Agent 4 grabbed their backpack and headed out the door. 

"...I love you." Agent 3 mumbled, opening the chat. 

Marie: hey are u busy?

Marie: got a special mission for u

Raising an eyebrow, Agent 3 reacted to the message with a thumbs up and grabbed their equipment, putting on the new cloak.


Agent 3 emerged into Tentakeel Outpost and saw Marie and Cap'n Cuttlefish chatting; As Agent 3 approached, they stopped their conversation and turned to them.

"Agent 3! Nice cloak! I take it you're interested in this special mission?" Marie smiled.

"I am, what's up?" Agent 3 nodded, smiling at Marie's comment.

"Octo Valley...I wish to go back and explore it further!" Cap'n Cuttlefish spoke up. "There is much research I didn't get to do on our last expedition, but I will certainly need an escort!"

"But...Octo Valley is so far...how long will we be gone?" Agent 3 asked. 

"Oh...a month or two? Three at the latest!" Cap'n Cuttlefish chuckled. "It's certainly the mission!"

"I don't know if I can leave Agent 4 that long..." Agent 3 mumbled. "It just doesn't feel right to be without them."

"Really? You two don't seem all that close..." Cap'n Cuttlefish questioned.

"I think what Gramps meant is that Agent 4 will be fine without you, 3" Marie shook her head, her smile not wavering. "Maybe I'll draft up some plans to explore Octo Canyon with her..."

"Regardless, Agent 3! You must come!" Cap'n Cuttlefish exclaimed.

"I just...let me talk to Agent 4 and see if they'll be ok at least...." Agent 3 begged.

"Well...I suppose that's reasonable...it'd be nice to know the answer now though..." Marie twirled her umbrella and looked at Agent 3 expectantly.

"...yeah, give me a second." They pulled out their phone and walked down further in the outpost.

"...well, I'm unmuted...but...." Agent 3 thought for a second before pressing the call button. 

"3? What's going on?" Agent 4's voice came.

"Ah hey...hey 4...Marie wanted me to go on a mission of sorts with...with the Captain but...It's going to be a long while before I'm home from it. 3 months at max." Agent 3 explained.

"Ok? Sounds serious, good luck!" Agent 4 responded. "The boat's leaving, I got to go so I guess I'll see you eventually!"

Agent 4 hung up before Agent 3 could respond; They stood there, with the phone to their ear, in silence for a few moments.


"Hmm...it's been a while..." Marie commented idly, before perking up at the footsteps behind her.

"Agent 3! Well? What did 4 say?" Marie pressed, hopeful.

"...I...I'm ready to go." Agent 3 said, their voice slightly shaky.

"Heck yeah! I'll get my gear and we'll get going!" Cap'n Cuttlefish grinned.

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