'S-She was secretive... kept to a close group of friends, would disappear most nights and not return until the next day. Even though she was supposed to have amnesia she was very skilled in all her classes and she got close to a Slytherin boy -' 'Who!?' 'T-The Crouch boy, My Lord.' 'And the group?' 'They called themselves the Marauders... J-James P-Potter, Sirius B-Black and a R-Remus Lupin. It is said there was another boy but -' Lestrange was interrupted by another knock echoing through the room, the two turned to look at the door as Voldemort snapped annoyed, 'Enter!' Thorfinn Rowle entered the room before striding his way to the center, stopping next to Lestrange and bowing deeply. 'My Lord, you have a visitor. Lord Thaddeus Nott.' Voldemort tilted his head, curious, 'Bring him.' Rowle nodded his head in acknowledgement, 'Yes, My lord.' Turning on the spot he quickly left the room, but just as soon as he left, he'd returned with a Lord Nott following his lead. 'Leave us.' Voldemort demanded with a wave of his hand, 'And take her!' Rowle quickly grabbed the woman and tossed her over his shoulder as he and Lestrange left the room to their Lord and Nott. Voldemort eyed him curiously before getting out of his seat and stalking toward him, as if a predator would to its prey. 'I thought you didn't want to be involved, Lord Nott... so what brings you here?' He hissed out. Thaddeus did his best to remain composed and calm his fast beating heart, 'I don't believe in the pureblood bullshit, that will always remain true... however -' However?' Voldemort questioned with a raised brow. 'However, I do believe an order must be established and I would like a return of our ways. Afterall, if you were to go to France you wouldn't demand the French to speak english... you'd learn french! Muggleborns seemed to think otherwise.'

Voldemort circled him letting out a scoff, 'And why now? What's changed your mind?' Thaddeus swallowed, anxiously, 'I've learned my son has decided to join you -' 'Ah, Theodolphus, yes, he is quite... vicious. Really hates them mudbloods with a passion.' Voldemort whispered with a smirk, cutting him off. Thaddeus suppressed a flinch at the mention of his son' mentality, 'I would like to join your cause, we may disagree on somethings but at the end of the day our goals align.' Voldemort stopped in front of him, with a sharp narrow gaze. 'I don't believe you.' He hissed as he slid out his wand and aimed it at his throat, Thaddeus immediately spoke in a panic, 'I have information on the girl you seek!' Voldemort faltered, 'And what's stopping me from ripping it out of your head myself!' he countered. Thaddeus looked back at him confidently, 'You could. But there are certain spells that no Legilimens like yourself could ever pass, my sources will forever remain anonymous. I am of more use to you, fully functional.' Voldemort studied him for a few moments before dropping his wand, 'Prove your worth!' Thaddeus took a calming breath, 'Her name is Adhara Lovella Peverell.' Voldemort stopped in his path back to his seat, before turning to look at him wide eyed, 'Peverell.' 'Yes, she is the daughter of Jameson and Lillian Peverell and the current ward of Lord Black. A half blood. Her family was attacked by some with the fanatical belief in the tales of the Hallows, leading her to apparate to the safety of Hogwarts with accidental magic.'

Voldemort tapped his long boney fingers on the arms of his chair. She was a Peverell and a parselmouth... were they close enough in relation for him to qualify? But she was also a half blood... 'Relations!?' He demanded. Thaddeus internally panicked, Ara never told him that... he did his best to think through the memories he saw. 'I believe she may be a distant cousin of yours... but for anyone else I'd have to confer with my sources.' Please! Let that be good enough! Thaddeus silently pleaded in his head. Silence filled the room, as Thaddeus anxiously stood there waiting. Voldemort shifted his gaze from the far right window onto Thaddeus, 'CRUCIO!' he suddenly bellowed with his wand aimed at him. Thaddeus dropped to the floor in agonizing pain as he writhed and screamed out. Voldemort held the spell for only fifteen seconds but it felt like a lifetime, smirking as he released the spell and stared down at him. 'Congratulations Nott! You get to live, after all I am a merciful Lord. However, you must still earn your place...' He hissed venomously. 'Find out where she goes, where she sleeps, anything and everything! You're dismissed.' Nott forced himself up onto his feet, gasping and still twitching from the aftermath of being crucio'd and stumbled his way out of the room.

Ara found herself pacing back and forth in the library, as if she was in a trance of anxiousness. Barty watched her from the armchair with concern written all over his face. Finally unable to watch any longer, he quickly stood up and came to a stop right as she turned and collided with him gently. Immediately he pulled her into an embrace, which she didn't hesitate to return. 'It'll be okay Ara, Nott can do this.' Ara let out a small sigh, 'I know. It's just... I know what Tom's like. He'll hurt him for not joining him the first time. And I can't help but feel -' 'Guilty.' She hummed in agreement, and Barty held her tighter. He gently kissed the top of her head, 'He knew the risk going in, you never forced him. You gave him an option and he took it. That's not on you, it was his decision. So whatever happens... you don't need to feel guilty. But I know, knowing you, you'll still feel that way regardless and I'll be by your side, no matter what.' Ara let out a small laugh before lifting her head up to look at him with a smile. 'BLEH!' Regulus mock gagged as he stepped into the library, ruining their little moment. 'You're lucky I found you guys and not James or Sirius!' He mumbled. Her and Barty burst into laughter, before reluctantly parting. 'What can we do for you Regulus?' Barty hissed through clenched teeth, putting on a fake smile. 'Well, I feel the love.' Regulus snarked back at him, unamused. 'Nott's back, and he's twitchy.' Ara paled, 'He got crucio'd, didn't he?' But before Regulus could even answer she was already out the door, 'She's quick when she wants to be...' Regulus mumbled. Barty rolled his eyes, as he casually threw his arm over Regulus's shoulder, 'Come on.'

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