Arcturus stood out of his seat, 'What is the meaning of this, Orion?' he asked fuming. 'Well, if you'd all be so kind as to sit down and stop interrupting me... we can finally get some answers to your questions.' he stated, lazily. Reluctantly Arcturus, Irma and Pollux returned to their seats while directing vicious glares towards Orion. He took one more sip before beginning, 'It has come to my attention... that some in this family have ideals of joining a man calling himself "Lord Voldemort".' Immediately he noticed a good few of them tense as he spoke the name, 'I have brought you all here to inform you that doing such a thing... will lead to you being disowned by the Black family, at once!' he finished venomously. Naturally, the ones who've already prepared themselves to join stood up furiously and began spewing insults towards him, protesting his statement. He stood there amused at their reactions, until finally enough was enough and he decided to continue on. 'Silence!' he bellowed as the family magic reacted, pushing them back into their seats. 'We are the Black family! We do not bow down to silly gallivanting wannabe's, nor do we bow down to half bloods with ridiculous fake names!' he spat, furiously. Bellatrix immediately shouted out in rage, 'How dare you! The Dark Lord -!' 'The Dark Lord is a joke! A mockery to the wizarding world and nothing but a one way ticket to destroying our way of life!' Orion asserted, cutting her off immediately. 'He is the heir to Slytherin! He is a powerful -!' she defended. 'He was born to a near squib from the Gaunt line and a product of a love potion! His name isn't even Voldemort, it's Tom Riddle -' 'YOU LIAR!!' she screeched furiously, as she pulled out her wand and aimed it at him. Clearly she hadn't learned a thing from when Pollux tried.

'The other's will be much harder to convince...' stated Francis, 'What if they inform Dumbledore of what we know?' Fleamont smirked, 'I already made plans to go public with the information. I have a meeting tomorrow with the Daily Prophet.' Francis looked at him so fast, he almost got whiplash, 'Truly? You'd be making yourself a target Fleamont!' 'I know, but it must be done. It'll mean more coming from me as opposed to any other, Dumbledore has been closest to my family all these years.' Francis's expression shifted into a very determined look, 'Then I'll join you! It'll mean more coming from the both of us!' Fleamont smiled at him gratefully, 'It'll make you a target as well, I canno-' 'It must be done! If he tried to silence the both of us, it would naturally make him look suspicious and what we revealed would look even more factual!' Francis stated, matter of factly. 'All right! Be by mine at around ten o'clock. Hopefully, we'll finish in time to speak to the others...' he mumbled worriedly, seeing Francis's confusion he added, 'I've invited a few of our closest allies, hoping to convince them before the rest of the wizarding world learns of the truth. They'd be the hardest to convince, after all.' Francis nodded in agreement before grimacing, 'At least you don't have to convince my wife!'

Druella immediately got up and came to her daughter's side as Bellatrix was clutching onto her throat gasping for breath. 'Bella! Bella! Stop! It'll let you breathe when you stop!' she cried out from her side. But determined and crazy as ever Bellatrix refused, eventually passing out from her lack of air. 'We are leaving!' roared Cygnus as he lifted his daughter. Orion huffed out a little laugh, 'Go on and try! Be my guest! But it won't work as I've sealed Grimmauld.' He spoke as calm as ever, effectively silencing everyone as they stared at him in a mix of bafflement and horror. Though Alphard sat there watching on in awe and amusement, with a wide grinning smile smeared on his face. 'I have also determined it is time for us all to... change our ways!' Orion stated. 'C-change our ways!? What blasphemy is he on about!?' stuttered out Lycoris Black, appalled. 'Excellent question aunty! This whole nonsense about purebloods and muggleborns... it's all a bunch of bollocks!' Orion continued, 'And don't even get me started on all the horrendous inbreeding... that is where the Black family madness comes from! If anything, we've been destroying the family instead of strengthening it!' 'ENOUGH!!' shouted Arcturus standing once again in a rage. 'You will not besmirch the name of the Black family with any more ridiculous nonsense!! I -' Orion aimed his ice cold venomous gaze towards his father, 'I did it all!' he shouted back seething, 'I played by your rules! I did it all, all that you ever wanted! To the point where I lost who I truly was! To the point I couldn't even raise my own sons and left them here with that despicable bitch you married me off to!!'

Orion held up his hand with the Black family ring, 'You made me Lord Black because it refused to accept you! It was weakening you! It did the same to me! You know why!? Because of this!!' He yelled out gesturing towards the mad family he was born into. 'Because all we do is repeat the same vicious cycle over and over again! And I almost fell in line completely with it! The second that I decided no more! The second that I decided I do not want my sons to be another Black falling in line! It accepted me! Because it wants us to change! To do better and strengthen our family, not destroy it!' He turned towards the rest of the family, 'I may hate almost all of you, especially you!' he aimed towards Pollux, 'But I will still do what I must to keep this family going! We will not join Riddle and his foolish attempt at gaining power! That is final! As is no more of this nonsense!' he finished off with a grimace. He turned to walk away officially unsealing the house but paused at the doorway, as another thought popped into his head, 'And Andromeda will be reinstated back into the family, no one will be disowned for loving who they want! Muggleborn or not!' He leveled a look to Cassiopeia Black. He knew she had fallen in love with a muggle but pushed him away, fearing being disowned if anyone were to find out.

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