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        "Is this too tight?" Tecchou carefully wrapped a bandage around his partner's hand, who was shivering slightly as he did so. "Do you need me to put more wood in the fire? Do you want some pillows or blankets? Something warm to drink, maybe? Do you want me to hold you?"

Clearly agitated with his partner's incessant questions, Jouno sighed and put his head down. "It feels fine. More wood in the fire sounds helpful, though." Although the man remained silent after responding, it was clear by his body language that he had more to say. The brunette simply stood and waited patiently for whatever his partner would request next.

"...Anything else?" The man sounded incredibly disappointed; but if anybody had been there to see Tecchou's face, they never would have guessed. It was his pulse that gave it away for Jouno.

"You fucker... Fine. Hold me, if that's really what you want to-" The man was then cut off by his partner's arms hugging him tightly, once again giving him barely any breathing room.

"Thank you." Tecchou's grip tightened, and he buried his face in the man's chest with a soft smile. "I'm glad you're okay."

It was quiet for a moment.

"There's no way I would've drowned in the river, and my hand is alright now." Jouno paused, wearing a confused expression. "Why have you been so protective of me lately, anyway? You know I can take care of myself, right?"

"I know that, and you're a very skilled swordsman. I just don't want to risk losing you again." The brunette's grip tightened. "I made the mistake of letting that happen once, so I promised myself I'd protect you whenever and however I can."

The silence returned, but was soon broken by a sigh from Jouno. Tecchou was giving his partner a look full of genuine remorse and guilt; a look that was much too expressive for his usual stoic face. Had he been able to see it, Jouno probably would have felt worse for him than he did now, although it wasn't something he was willing to admit.

"Jesus, you..." He wanted to say something derogatory, but given what his partner had just said, he couldn't find the heart to; especially knowing just how important his job was in his mind. To be placed above that? The idea in itself left Jouno shocked. "... I shouldn't be above your principals. You know that, right? You and I are supposed to protect innocent people, not each other..." He trailed off once his partner's grip tightened.

"I know. But I'd still do everything in my power to help you, even if I was only given a second. I love you too much."

Jouno sat in silent contemplation after hearing this. There was no doubt Tecchou spoke nothing but the truth; everything about him proved just how much he cared. His tone, his breathing, his heartbeat; everything he said was true. After a moment, the man scoffed.

"... Moron." Jouno hugged the brunette back, burying his face in his hair. It was much softer than he had anticipated, but there was no way he would complain over something like that. "I love you too, but there's going to be a day where you have to go after a criminal instead, idiot. Like you said, I'm skilled with my sword. I'll be fine."

Tecchou held his breath at this; likely trying to determine how he could both take out the criminal and protect the man he loved.

"I have my ability, Jouno. I can keep you safe if I have to go after somebody." He was practically strangling his partner to death at this point. "I'll protect you, don't worry."

"I-If you want to protect me so badly, stop cutting off my airways-!" The man squirmed a bit, and upon realizing how tight his grip was, Tecchou let go.

"... Sorry about that." He sat down awkwardly beside his partner, gently holding his injured hand in his own. "Did I hurt you?"

"Well, yes, but it's fine. I want to change the topic anyway; I don't particularly enjoy talking about death and things like that."

"Ah. So, do you want to sit on a chair rather than the dirt?"

"How the hell is dirt related to death, dumbass?" Jouno pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. This man was incredibly smart, but also incredibly stupid.

"Bodies are buried in the ground under their graves. Of course that's related to death."

"T-That's not what I meant!" Jouno seethed; as usual, he immediately found himself fighting the impulse to slap the man beside him.

"Ah, sorry. Can I ask you something instead?" Tecchou began holding his hands out to the fire, clearly a bit cold now that he didn't have his partner's body heat.

"Sure. Just nothing dumb."

The man would soon regret saying that. The following question wasn't dumb, but it certainly wasn't one he'd enjoy answering.

"How come the commander and Tachihara went so red yesterday and the day before? When I asked if you wanted to stay in my tent, and when you said I was a pain. Do you know what that was about?" The brunette hummed softly. "I thought I knew at first, but I figured I was probably wrong. Maybe they thought we'd stay up taking care of my ants rather than taking care of ourselves?" As the boy thought carefully and looked around for some insects, likely because he remembered they existed, Jouno could feel his face heating up drastically.

"... I was afraid you'd ask about that."

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