Chapter 3: Bonding with Hera

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After we left the temple she decided she didn't want to go to her temple because of memories of Zeus and her, so she asked if she could stay with me I of course agreed because I knew she wasn't okay and she nice when you get to know her. While we were talking she said "can we walk to your place I want to get my mind off of him" again I agreed.

Once we arrived at my house I knocked on the door and my mom answered the door and asked "who is this?" "This is Hera goddess of marriage" I said gently answering her question. "Nice to meet you lady Hera" she exclaimed as she bowed down to Hera. "Please bow down or call me miss or lady please" she asked hurriedly. "Sure la- Hera" she said confused by her request. "May we come in mom" I asked nicely. "Of course you can your always welcome" she said calmly. At this point she wanted to catch up so we did until 8pm and she wanted to call it a night as Paul and Estelle were already in bed because Paul has to work tomorrow then mom went to bed. While we stayed up and watch finding Nemo until we fell asleep.
As you asked here it comes war general yes I know it's shorter but I tried my best on this phone since I should be getting a laptop soon! Thank you for reading my book War general.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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