Chapter 6.

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Trigger warning: Underaged drinking

The door was opened by a tall blond man, his hair gelled back in a perfect, windblown style. I froze instantly in place, hand stuck on the door knob.

"Can I help you?" The man focused a pair of icy blue eyes at me in disdain before throwing back a shot.

I drew in a shaky breath. Blue, not brown. Alive, not... I clenched my hands to stop them from trembling, ignoring the look I could feel Dustin giving me. Why did I even think it was him? That would be... stupid.

Maybe this hadn't been a good idea. My head felt like a mess today. Surely I could say sorry and excuse myself now before things got awkward, right?

"Hey man! 'Sup!" Hands clamped over my shoulders, Blyke leaning over me to shoot the guy a grin.

He quickly matched it. "'Sup Nutjob. You know these people?"

"Sure do! It's not a problem if I bring them, right?"

I, who had been staring at the stained carpet of the flat's floor until then, tried my best to crane my head back at Blyke. "You didn't even ask?" I whispered to him fiercely.

"Oh it's not trouble at all. Always room for more. Here." The man leaned back with ease, holding open the door further to reveal a dark room, full of smoke, flashing lights, and music that sounded far louder than before. "Come on in!"

"Thanks man!" Blyke shot him another smile before ducking in.

He waved us along, ducking under badly hung streamers and weaving in between scantily-clad men and women dancing with red cups in hand. I frowned at it, but it was a party, right? This was what people my age usually did to have fun. There had to be something here I'd like. Just had to get there first. And if not... I'd live. It was just one party.

I'd only made it in a few more steps, when I could suddenly feel Dustin pressed up close behind me. He watched the crowd with wide eyes, shoulders seeming to draw further in on himself with each person we passed.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "Too crowded?" Not that I could see that being an issue. He was much more social than me.

"No. I just..." He bit his lip as we squeezed past a few girls and a table with a punch bowl. "I didn't expect there to be alcohol, you know?"

I raised a brow at him. "Dustin, it's a college party. Why wouldn't there be?"

He looked uneasy. "Well, we're underage and all."

"Yeah? By a year or two. Most people don't care. Hell, half of them probably started at sixteen."

"I know but... I guess I just thought there wouldn't be."

I continued to stare at him. Why was he making a big deal out of it? "If it makes a difference, I never drank before, and it's not like I'm gonna start today when I've got to fly us home. We'll just find something else to drink, okay?"

He took a deep breath, then nodded. "Okay. Thank you."

"Well, now that we have indeed arrived–" Blyke suddenly stopped walking, turning around to face Gwen before dropping into an over-the-top bow. "Would you care for a dance, M'lady?"

"Save the M'lady for when you take me out for dinner after this, and you got yourself a deal." The words came out sharp, but I could see the start of a smirk on her face as he took her hand, walking her closer to the speakers in the center of the room.

I watched them go. It was to be expected, honestly, which meant it was now time to play 'find the dog and pet it until the end of the party, or sit on the couch.' And, as my eyes wandered the room to find a surprising lack of pets, I started to shuffle over to a black futon pressed up into the corner.

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