Episode 1 - A show game has "dropped" (BTKGISC)

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Kami's POV
So only after a day Monolin announce the killing game started, she called us to the gym for an announcement
(Already gave up POV)

🖤 Monolon:Hey, everyone I have an announcement to make, guess what it is!

🌊Sam:Your letting us free?

🪴Fry:a Motive for us to kill?

👁️Cyrillo:Your canceling the killing game and a game show

🖤Monoloin:I feel like that was forced by the writer (🏳️‍🌈Me:GIRL I SWEAR TO-)

🍰Sella:the what now

🖤Monoloin:Shut it Bake freak

🖤Monoliin:You 18 will compete for your freedom from this school!

🌸Kami:And how would that work

✨Juno:Yeah...also if your canceling the game...who was the mastermind?

🖤Monoloin:Like I'll tell y'all!🖕🏻😆🖕🏻

❄️Sapphire:So question, what is this so called "show" called?


🧪Lillie:I think she's broken...

🖤Monoloin:Jeez how stupid are y'all-

🪴Fry:You never told us the name

Awkward Silence

🖤Monoloin:Anyways it stand for:
B - But
T - The
K - Killing
G - Game
I - Is
C - Canceled

Not a word just more silence

🖤Monoloin:Jeez not even a fucking reaction😒

🌸Kami:(Everyone didn't say a word until "he" spoken)

🔥Apollo:Ah I see, but I may ask this question:"How do the loser get eliminated"

🖤Monoloin:Shit! Didn't think of that! Well...I guess you'll be locked in a abandoned room or something.

☁️Maya:Hmm alright...Now will their be teams or not?

🖤Monoloin:No teams, To complicated😒

✈️Flidgey:So when do we fucking start

🖤Monoloin:Jeez you guys are rusty today, but ima say the rules:
Rule 1:This game will continue till only 2 of y'all remain.

Rule 2:Y'all can still kill each other, but it's not permanent (sadly). I stole recovery centers from A show called "BFDI" or whatever that is.

Rule 3:No cheating, no loop holes, no nothing play by how the game is, and if you brake it, you're eliminated.

Rule 4:You can choose to leave the room (Or something else), but you won't have a change to rejoin (if we do have one).

and Rule 5:Harming the Host (unless it's for a challenge) will put you up for elimination.
🖤Monoloin:Got all that?

🌸Kami:I assume so

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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