Operation Wallclimber

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Raven and Iris watched the STRIDER exploding from the AC's camera.

Iris:nice work

Raven:someone would've done it if I didn't...

Iris:and we got a hell of a pay day!

Iris stood up and stretched. She looked at the AC.

Iris:took some damage?

Raven:yeah, the Eye got me a little. Should be fixable I'll get to work on it soon

Iris:I got it. It's why you pay me 

She grabbed a few tools from below and got to work.

Raven:I'm going for a nap. Don't ruin her

Iris:I know what I'm doing

He left.

Iris:now it's just you and me

She started her work mending the right shoulder using old scrap pieces and welding them back on. She would also go on to paint the AC when it was done.

Iris:perfect. Seven hours of work deserves a treat

She hopped off and went outside into the cold. Since they didn't have a fridge she kept most things chilled by being outside. She came back in with a small can of something. She cleared the snow off to reveal the name Dr Pepper.

Iris:I gotta make you guys last. I only have seven left 

Just then as Sue took a drink the alarm on the monitor went off surprising her, causing her to choke a little.

Iris:fuck! Ugh...

She walked over placing the can down and checked who it was.

Iris:Raven it's Walter! Sent you a message!

Raven walked out.

Raven:answer it

She did. Raven sat down on a box in front of the monitor.

Walter:I got a job for you 621. This comes from Arquebes HQ-

Iris:fucking again!? God Pater got a crush?

They learned the one giv8ng out the Arquebes missions was one VIII Pater.

Raven:stop talking

Walter:-they want you to help with an Operation Wallclimber"

Snail:this is V.II Snail leader of the Vespers second squad. I will chair the briefing for this mission

To Raven he sounded like a snotty prick.

Snail:this is an Operation of my own design. Consider it a privilege to be apart of it

And once again his hunch about someone's cuntness was confirmed.

Snail:you will be attacking the Wall a key trading outpost fortified by the Rubicon Liberation Front. The rabble have formed a defensive line comprised of artillery and MT Sqauds. Break through the line and make your way to the top of the Wall. There you will find the JUGGERNAUT a heavy artillery platformm. Destroy it

The screen then showed a picture of a light build grey and blue AC.

Iris:(small gasp)he looks so cool...

(I'm assuming you ALL know Rusty, best boi)

Snail:V.IV will also be participating infiltrating through a separate route however...know that Balem has taken a crack at the wall only for their vainglorious hopes to be dashed. Do try not to die like a dog out there

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