forty-one | a fault in my code

Start from the beginning

Haymitch grinned. "That she does. Didn't think I'd have to be sober through this war, but here we are."

"Busted out of the hospital to find nothing. Not even one drop." Johanna echoed.

"Shit way of running things in my opinion." Kai quipped.

Haymitch met his derisive gaze once more, a smirk finding its way onto his face. He'd stolen the words right out of his mouth. He already liked Peia, but Kai? Kai was just like he imagined he'd be and nothing close to like he'd thought all in one weird, confusing way.

And somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew they'd be good friends.


He'd known this mission would be dangerous, but one thing Sawyer hadn't accounted for was having to deal with Gale. All. The. Time.

It was no secret he didn't like him, but the kid never left Katniss's side. Ever. Despite it being his duty to protect her, there was something else. Sawyer knew that he was in love with her, but the way Katniss reacted and responded to that?

Gale was just another weed in a field of poppies.

Sawyer tore his gaze from the whispering pair, shifting his attention to his daughter. She'd just given her propo and they were holed up in an abandoned building for the time being. The streets were like a minefield, ready to go off at any moment, so crossing it was near impossible— at least for the next little bit.

Peia held one of her obsidian blades, the weapon being continuously spun in her fingertips as she sat. Anything to keep herself busy while they waited. Finnick was talking to Boggs a few feet away, which left her to fidget. It was true when she said she couldn't sit still long enough to not join the action.

Sawyer's gaze was focused on her rather than her knife when he spoke. "You did good. I'm proud of you."

She lifted her head, locking onto his dark eyes. "All I did was expose Snow for who he truly is. They deserve to know what he did."

Sawyer leaned forward, head beginning to shake. "That doesn't mean that it was easy. You're strong, Peia. So strong."

She felt her heart pang in her chest. "You know, I thought losing mom and losing Everett would kill me. And then I lost Kai and—" She let out a quiet breath. "And that did kill me. But...But losing Rhett? It hurts. It really, really hurts, dad."

Sawyer's gaze softened, pain showing through its dark hue. "I know, baby. I know. But it's supposed to hurt. If it hurts, it means you care. And it'll take time, but we'll heal. It won't be easy, but it comes in waves. Some days we'll drown, others we'll float. And that's okay. That's healing."

"We'll do it together then." Peia remarked, placing her hand atop his.

The sound of a vehicle speeding down the street suddenly echoed through the air. Everyone instinctively stood, heads turned towards the door.

"Is that Peacekeepers?"

Boggs said nothing as Jackson lifted her walkie up to her mouth. "451 to base. We've got a truck coming in from the south. Over."

Peia came up next to Finnick, curiosity brewing in the bottom of her stomach. Whatever the commotion, threat or not, they'd take care of it. They always did.

"Stand down, everyone. It's friendly." Jackson announced, lowering her walkie and placing it back inside her pack.

Finnick just glanced at Peia before the two of them and Sawyer followed everyone else outside the building. The engine only became louder until the truck appeared on the road. It reached them momentarily, coming to a gradual stop. One of the soldiers climbed out, making his way to the back.

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