Chapter 17: Familiar

Start from the beginning

"Stop it now before I hit you."

I grunt after pushing her back, hugging Shotaro next and ignoring Minjeong. The little one seems to enjoy seeing his mother sulking and clapping.

"Okay, it was supposed to be a family moment, but apparently now it's me on my own."

She gets dramatic and I roll my eyes before leaning over and holding her face, leaning in towards her, apparently ignoring the grumbling that the little one lets out so I can kiss her quickly.

"I love you, stupid."

"And your wife, love of your life."

"Yes, my stupid wife that I love."

Minjeong turns the camera on herself shortly thereafter, with a huge smile on her face and an intense gleam in her eyes. You can see how her pupils are dilated, and for some reason it makes me shiver. I am unable to explain how this woman manages to mess with me without even trying.

"Son, when you watch this in the future, know that we both love you very much, even though you are jealous and upset with me when I try to snag your mother."

A loud popping sound resonates and the camera drops, I hear my mumbling and then an unhappy Minjeong apologizing before the recording is over. Impossible not to laugh out loud after finishing watching it. We always look very happy, and in tune. It is strange not to remember those moments, but still feel, deep inside somewhere in my chest, as if everything had never really gone out.

My cell phone vibrates on the nightstand, on the side I have been sleeping on, and I move away from the television so I can pick it up. It's a message from Sofia asking me how I'm doing; she's on exam week and hasn't had much time to talk. I look forward to seeing her soon; I miss the little girl, who is not so little anymore. I burst out laughing when I saw a funny photo she sent, and I looked for another one to send back.

"My God!" I exclaim, scared to see that I almost sent a wrong photo, it looks old, and I'm sure it's me in it. My heart races and I close the conversation with my sister. "When did I become so provocative?"

I question myself, opening my conversation with Minjeong to scour the old messages. I am not surprised to see how many sexy photos she has, but there are also many of my son, and others of documents and other things that seem to be beads. I search for the photo in question and find it; it's dated months before I wake up without my memories.

Me: Today I want to dance like this for you. Be prepared.

I imagine things like this must be normal, and I'm not as scared as I was at the beginning, but it's still impossible not to be ashamed. Minjeong seems to awaken the most naughty side of me, and that somehow affects my self-esteem. From her answers, it seems that she always put me up, even with little.

Mi suerte: You can be hot in all colors, even in black and white. How could I be so lucky?

Me: You can't imagine the things I'm going to do to you tonight. I hope you're ready.

A small smile appears on my face, but at the same time my cheeks are red and hot, so much my shyness, when imagining what we must have done on the night mentioned in question. I put down the phone to get out of bed, no more looking at these things, and I also need to look for what to do. I will not spend the whole day lying down procrastinating.

I go into the closet to get a change of clothes, and when I'm looking for panties, I notice that on one of the shelves is a picture of me and Minjeong. I hadn't noticed it before, but now I smile when I see it. We look much younger, I take the framed portrait in my hands and I realize that it has something written in well-drawn letters. Obviously I shouldn't have written it.

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