Chapter 46: found him

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Following Urokodaki's wise advice, Shinobu Kochou embarked on a new journey, this time heading to the village near the ominous Sagiri Mountain. She couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency, knowing that every moment without Giyuu was a moment he could be in danger.

The village was unlike any she had seen before, its residents seemingly isolated from the outside world. Their hushed whispers and wary glances told Shinobu that her presence was not welcome here. Undeterred, she continued her search, determined to find any trace of Giyuu.

Her first thought was to check the village's inn. Inns were often gathering places for travelers, and Giyuu might have sought refuge there. However, as she scoured the narrow streets and inquired at various establishments, she found no sign of him. Doubt began to creep into her mind.

She decided to expand her search and ventured to the edge of the village, where the dense forest loomed like a dark guardian. There, at the very end of the village, she discovered a small, weathered clinic, its existence hidden from most villagers.

Inside, the air was filled with the scent of medicinal herbs, and the dim light cast long shadows on the walls. And there, on a simple cot, lay Giyuu Tomioka, battered and unconscious. Her heart clenched at the sight of his battered form.

Approaching the clinic's owner, a gentle-looking elderly woman, Shinobu's voice trembled as she spoke, "I believe you found him. Giyuu Tomioka. Three days ago. Is that true?"

The clinic owner nodded, her eyes filled with compassion. "Yes, dear. I found him injured and unresponsive in the woods nearby. I've done what I can, but he has yet to regain consciousness."

Shinobu's trained eyes took in the extent of Giyuu's injuries. His face bore the marks of a savage beating, and his leg showed the unmistakable signs of being kicked and struck with sticks or rods. These were not the wounds of demons; this was the cruel work of humans.

"This is not a demon's doing," she thought with a heavy heart, realizing the depths of Giyuu's suffering.

Doubt nagged at her, so she drew her sword, her most trusted companion. Carefully inspecting it for any signs of damage, she found none. Her sword remained unscathed, unbroken, untouched by demonic blood. Relief washed over her, knowing that whatever had befallen Giyuu, it was not the work of a powerful demon.

Exhausted from her relentless search and the emotional rollercoaster of finding Giyuu in such a state, Shinobu sighed deeply. Without further hesitation, she laid herself down beside him on the cot, her heart heavy with worry, and closed her eyes, vowing to keep a vigilant watch over her comrade as she, too, succumbed to much-needed rest.

After a night of troubled sleep and a morning of tension, Shinobu and Giyuu knew they needed to talk, to share their experiences and concerns. They left the old lady who had run the clinic extra payment as a token of their gratitude and departed with heartfelt thanks.

The sun hung low in the sky as they entered a bustling restaurant, a welcome change from the somber atmosphere of the clinic. They ordered their favorite dishes, their comfort food, hoping it would ease the weight of their thoughts.

Shinobu, never one to mince words, spoke first, her voice soft but determined. "Before we discuss anything else, I want you to know that Haruki was alone all night. When I arrived, he was in tears."

Giyuu's eyes widened with concern. "Where is he now?" he asked urgently.

With a reassuring smile, Shinobu replied, "He's with Aoi and Kano. I'm quite certain they're spoiling him rotten at the moment."

A sigh of relief escaped Giyuu's lips, and they both chuckled, the tension in the air momentarily lifted. It was a reminder that amidst the chaos of their lives, there were moments of solace and laughter.

But the weight of the past still pressed upon them. Giyuu, reluctant but resolved, finally decided to share the painful encounter he had faced. "That day I saw someone ," he began, his voice filled with a mixture of apprehension and sadness. "Someone who was once a relative, but we have no connection anymore."

Shinobu leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "Which relative was it?" she asked gently.

Giyuu gulped, his eyes clouded with memories he had long tried to bury. "It was Tsutako's ex-fiancé," he admitted. "And others...they were villagers who didn't believe me when I told them that demons existed."

Shinobu's expression shifted to one of sympathy and understanding, but she still needed to know the full story. "Why did they beat you up, Giyuu?" she inquired.

Taking a deep breath, Giyuu recounted the painful encounter. "When I saw Tsutako's ex-fiancé, it flooded me with memories, both good and bad. I... I froze," he confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "He's a policeman, and when he asked about Tsutako, he started a fight. He accused me of killing her and blamed it on something that doesn't exist."

Giyuu's eyes hardened as he remembered the confrontation. "At first, I could easily dodge his attacks, but then others joined in. Which i could also dodge but I had came from a mission where I killed 2 lower moons and I was quite tired."

Shinobu listened quietly, her heart heavy with the weight of Giyuu's pain and the realization that even those they once knew could become their adversaries. It was a stark reminder that their path as Demon Slayers was a lonely and perilous one.

As they finished their meal, the conversation shifted to the challenges they faced, the enemies they had yet to conquer, and the uncertain future that lay ahead. But in each other's company, they found strength and determination to face whatever came their way.

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