Chapter 35: A Shattered Innocence

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The pool of blood in the dimly lit room sent a chill down Giyuu's spine. Without hesitation, he drew his sword and unleashed the first form of water breathing, his blade cutting through the air with the precision of a seasoned demon slayer. The demon lurking in the shadows was vanquished before it could even react, its lifeless form falling to the floor.

However, the macabre scene that unveiled itself in the aftermath of the battle shattered the silence. Shinobu's voice quivered as she spoke, her eyes wide with shock and sorrow, "G-Giyuu, look at the bodies."

Giyuu, still caught in the grip of his own thoughts, slowly turned his gaze toward the lifeless figures. Horror washed over him as he realized the gruesome truth.

Sakura's lifeless form lay on the floor, her innocent eyes forever closed, her tiny hand stained with her own blood. Beside her was her father, still breathing but grievously wounded. He clung to life by a thread, his eyes searching for his daughter.

Giyuu's eyes widened, and for a moment, he was frozen, unable to process the devastating scene before him. He could only think of Haruki and what this loss would mean to the boy.

Shinobu snapped him out of his stupor, her voice laced with urgency and anger, "Giyuu, move! We need to help him." She rushed to Sakura's father's side, trying to stabilize him and staunch the bleeding.

With a sharp inhale, Giyuu finally moved, his movements mechanical and devoid of his usual grace. He knelt beside Shinobu, his hands trembling as he assisted her in caring for the injured man.

Tears welled in Shinobu's eyes as she glanced at Sakura's lifeless body. She had seen her share of horrors, but the innocence of a child's death shook her to the core. She knew that they couldn't save Sakura, but they had a duty to ensure her father's survival.

As they worked together to provide aid, the weight of their responsibilities pressed down upon them. Giyuu's thoughts raced, his mind haunted by the knowledge of how he would have to break the news to Haruki. His young ward would be devastated by the loss of his dear friend.

In that dark and somber room, Giyuu and Shinobu were reminded of the relentless cruelty of their world. The innocence of childhood was a fragile thing, easily shattered by the horrors that lurked in the shadows. And as they fought to save a grieving father, they knew that their duty as demon slayers was to protect the innocence that remained, no matter the cost.

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