take the consequences

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Aadhya got all the information about who made this and what is their motive.
She didn't wait a second and drove towards the destination.
After about half an hour she stopped her car infront of a familiar building.

" it's still the same " aadhya thought while getting down and took a deep breath

It was not her first time coming here but it's been quite a long time coming.
All her childhood memories kept flowing in her subconscious mind.
Aadhya closed her eyes trying to remember few memories of her.

'Akka please...stay with.. me..' little Abhi holded Aadhya's frock hem and cried.
" Abhi i cannot be with you here. But I promise you that I will come again to see you" aadhya got on her knees and said while wiping his tears.

Even it is difficult for Aadhya to control her tears but due to abhi she tried to make herself stronger.

' you.. promise... me... you will come and take me with you ' abhi hugged her locking his tiny hands around Aadhya's neck.

Aadhya's grandparents were deeply affected by the scene infront of them but their parents had no emotions on their faces.

" i promise you that I will take you one day away from these people" aadhya reassured him.
" now be a good boy and smile for your Akka" saying this aadhya ruffled his hair and kissed him before telling her bye to him.

Aadhya opened her moist eyes even though these memories are from past 8 years still she can remember all the things happened to her and abhi.

She exhaled and inhaled before walking towards the entrance.

As she entered she was welcomed by a delightful face of her father sitting on the sofa to his left his wife and right side was occupied by his daughter.

' welcome my dear daughter' Prabhu Aadhya's father got up from his seat and walked towards aadhya who stood at the entrance.

Aadhya pov:

" go my dear daughter your father is calling you" my mind mocked me seeing the person who is enthusiastic about my arrival

Taking a deep breath I walked towards them with a smile.
' I know you will be coming for my help' my father said while taking a sip of coffee.

' let her sit and have coffee with us honey' here comes the best actor my step mother Chaya

She came infront of me with a sweet smile
' it's been so long seeing you, hope you and abhi are doing good' even though she is asking me sweetly don't fall into her trap she is as cunning as we see her.

She literally asked me not to call her mom and now she is asking how we are doing such two faced lady.

' obviously she will do good living with the money her grandparents gave' here comes the Xerox copy of mrs Chaya her daughter Kavya.

I had seen her like a sister but I'm never to her.
I don't know why I came here to deal this shit

" I'm doing good, the reason I came here is..." I was cut in between by my father making our concentration towards him.

' I know why you came here'
" you know about that then you have to take the consequences" I told him without any emotional aspect in my voice or in face

' what consequences?' He questioned getting up from his seat.....( to be continued)

Author pov

Hi my dear readers hope you all are doing good.
I know the chapters are short but right now I'm not feeling well so I'm trying to update when it's possible to me hope you all can understand

But from next update I will try to give long chapters. And will update 2,3 chapters per week for sometime.

Kindly give your comments and also let me know your views on the story so far..

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