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Dear Jesus Christ,

Blessed are You Lord Our God,
King of The universe,
Creator of all things seen and cannot be seen,
God of our ancestors From Adam and to Jesus Christ.
We thank You for giving Your Only Son, Jesus Christ. Which You concieved through the Power of The Infinite Holy Spirit , Your Spirit Lord Our God to a virgin named Mary spouse of Joseph a lineage of David.
Through Holy Spirit By The Word of God that was delivered by an Arc Angel Gabriel to Mary.
For if not because of Your Omnipotent Gift Lord God, we have no more redemption to hope for. Thank You for Giving us Your Only Son Lord Jesus Christ. The center of the Christmas Season. The Sole Reason of celebrating the Christmas Season. His Birth is the evidence that the Power of God The Father is Infinite over our limited time and minds. I pray that people will comeback and worship Our Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of anticipating the western false tradition. Instead of teaching our kids of caroling to expect some money, teach them to sing praises and worships to Our Lord God, with The Love of Our God that is given to us unconditionally in return. Instead of taking photographs of so called santa  clause statues. We must spread the truth that The Spirit of Christmas is The Birth of Jesus Christ and not just by attending eucharistic ceremony with just self prosperity in expectancy in our minds. We must Honor God as this was said in The First Commandment of The Ten Commandments. This I pray in the name of Jesus Christ through Holy Spirit. Amen.

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