Fear of trouble and recklessness

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Yes, you are very good
You are a quiet student
And you make sure to listen
You avoid conflict so as not to get caught in the middle
You don't talk back
And you make sure to do your work
You don't drink, you don't smoke
You are anti-social
And to you, recklessness is the absolute worst
You don't skip school
And don't skip class
You are the best learner/student a teacher can ask for

They call you weak , plain boring, and even sad
But when you don't have to wear uniforms to school
You've got the most sass and class than anyone else
The truth is your not boring or plain
You just don't feel the need to behave like an ass
You watch them misbehave, and you hear them nag
But why would you do something bad, get scolded about, and then nag to me cause you got in trouble
Reckless is stupid, and stupid is reckless
And if you continue this after school
You might end up headless 6 feet under way down.
Do what you want!
Cause as the obedient quiet student i like my life
And you like yours, so continue recklessly on.

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