Lips soft and a sharp smile truthfull and kind.

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Lips soft and a sharp smile truthfull and kind

Soft lips and a sharp smile
I speaketh to you like this every time.

No need to stare me down
Or call me strange and mild
I look mad rude and even wild
But to be truthfull i am kind
Caring loving and joyus at times, especially when seeing others laugh or smile.

Yes, i look strange and act different
But that does not mean that towards me you have to act indifferent
I look around. Yes, i stare not for harshness but instead to geuss your intricate flairs

I know im strange ,i know i stare, but i swear that's in observance of your qaulitys as a friend
Life is short, and I've been cast aside by others my age
Time and time again
Life is short i waste not time i observe and depict which people are worth the while.

Lead not astray by others no more
I spend my time listening to songs
The sounds of nature and the flow of the waterfalls
The storm is wild, but it will fade
For this advice, i hope to be thanked.

~Katelynn Cramer

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