The Truth

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*damla is still in the hospital not knowing if she will wake up or not while the others are sitting next to her*

Hazal: i- I can't see her like this you all need to know the truth..*she says as she is holding damla hands *

*Ekim,Bekir,Leyla,aziz,kanat,Melissa and ozan looked at Hazal*

*Hazal took a long breath*

Hazal: Damla is not my real sister *looking at kanat and Aziz* but she is your sister... We kept her identity secret cause your father was abusing her at the small age she two wasn't even born yet.. at the age of 4 damla ran away there when she met my father.. he got her into our house and told me she is your sister which I knew the truth about her when I grow up... Forgive me for not saying the truth..but I did that to protect her even if she isn't my sister which she is my cousin I love her as she is my own blood..

*Kanat and Aziz looked at damla with tears in their eyes . They always wanted a big sister and they finally have one .*

Aziz: d does s she knows ..? *Says while crying*

*Hazal shaked her head as yes *

*While kanat and the others are hugging , damla is having a seizure as she is having a dream about her father *

Leyla: no... Damla please don't leave us please I'm begging you...*crying in Aziz arms*

* The doctor comes in running telling everyone to leave the room*

//Hey loves sorry I took long but I had some busy moments anyway what do you think will damla survive? Or something will happen?

I miss us.. OzanXDamlaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin