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Hope rose and jimin yelled only to tell him he was stepping on his feet while

Within 2 seconds all is set for now
Kook will know the real truth about how he and others were betrayed

As Suga took control overall security department of the place, everyone shivered as they saw how furious the calm Suga .......

As he was checking kook and Joon reached there

" Hyung what happened "

"Suga what is in it "

Suga huffed and saw both desperate people followed by 2 half-asleep fellows.

"First you tell me what happened? "

Kook sat on the chair and everyone Kook stared blankly as he was unable to believe is it true
What just happened before?
She was real?

"Hyung I saw yn! She was real or I'm imagining I don't know but I saw her"

His bunny eyes shed tears, as his hyungs rewind the memories they spent with yn

As a simple matter of time, they spent together

She even spent time with them a little but not like other girls, they saw her as their sister

Jimin and Taehyung saw her as a friend

Some more time passed as the 7 members were in a trance of her memories from first to the death of her ..........

A knock takes them into reality, guard
Peeped his head

"Sir someone was suspicious outside sir "

"Jimin drag that sneaky fox here"

Jimin bragged outside of the room in search of the intruder

"Kook I know how you are attached to her even "

The voice was stuck in Suga's throat as he was the one who held her on that day

"W-we also "

"But hyung even if it was real or I was making delusion I want to confirm it "

Kook said in a determined tone as they all know even though he was Maknae he was the boss


"Ok then let's see"

Suga rewound the cams in front of his room only to see a dry and weak image of yn

There are all enlarged their eyes as they saw the screen yn was so plae and the patient's clothes weren't good either ...

She looks like, she starved for years

her eyes are hollow

Her feet were bruises

As they saw she made her way to look room smiled at the door and touched the glass that showed the image of him

His eyes were teary watching her, as she mumbled something and went to open the door and came inside.

Suga changed the camera and stretched her hand to touch Kook but out of nowhere Michel came and blocked her squeal with the hand

GANGSTER'S WIFE |Jungkook Fiction| Thriller Romance|WRITTEN BY sindhuj حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن