Meet izzy

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Izzy moonbow, was trotting back to the brighthouse after helping with, pipp petals at mane melody with the ingredients to her perfumes and masks. She was hippity-hoppity-hoopin' back to the said brighthouse with a joyful smile across her violet fur coated face as her blue mane fly in the wind.

She then got closer to the doors of the brighthouse before she knocked on the doors. The doors opened to reveal, sunny.

Sunny: hello, izzy! Back from mane melody?

Izzy: you betcha! How are you doing, sunny?

Sunny: pretty good, izzy.

Izzy, got a glimpse as she thought she saw something in the far distance of the kitchen. She thought it looked strange as she sees a (H/C) small mane on top of her or his head with the color of his coat looking like a (S/C) on it.

Izzy: (smiles in curiosity) who's the new pony?

Sunny: who?

Izzy: him or her. (Points to the "pony")

Sunny, turned her head around before taking a hint on what her first non-earth pony friend meant. She smiled and turned back to, izzy saying...

Sunny: oh! Him! He's not exactly a pony. (Moves besides the doorway to let, izzy to see anon) He's a human!

Izzy: a hoooman?

Sunny: yeah, a human. But-

Before, sunny can say something else; izzy, ran past her and inside the brighthouse to run into to the kitchen to meet a new "Hooman" friend that is apparently sweeping on the kitchen floor. Izzy, sneaked up towards the young boy before she had a thought appear in her head.

What if the human was like, Misty? Like how she didn't reveal much and lied to the group before? She was now in full caution but still kept a cheerful attitude whilst at the same time.

Anon, swept and swept piling the dirt together before, izzy jumped out and yelled out a...

Izzy: Hi new friend!!

Anon, jumped as he gave out a shriek and dropped the broom on the floor as he slouched in fear as he covered his ears as, izzy still kept her smile before firing at him with loads of questions coming out from the creative unicorn.

Izzy: who are you?! What's your name?! Where do you come from?! Are you working for someone evil?! Are you a good human or bad human?! How old are you?! Where are you from?!


He screamed in a panicked tone as he then cover himself into a ball before he started sobbing. This made, izzy flinch back as she had a look of bewilderment from the scream that the other earth ponies gave her when she first arrived as there was mistrust and prejudice at the time when she first met sunny, thanks to the message she was given when she was a little filly.

Her ears cowered back before, sunny came sprinting in with worry as she heard, anons scream before she saw him on the floor, curled up into a ball and had his ears covered before he got upright and backed to the cabinet door.

Sunny: ANON! Izzy, what did you do?!

Izzy: nothing! I mean-! I jumped him from the behind and I didn't mean to make him upset!

Sunny, ignored izzy a bit as she kneeled down and started to comfort the upset young human. She shushed gently to anon as if she is calming a foal down from its sudden awakening.

Thankfully, anon managed to calm down as he took deep breaths instructed by, sunny herself. Anon, stopped sobbing and started petting Sunny's hoof leg a bit as it was soft, sunny took notice and let him keep petting it as it shows anon that it calms him down. Izzy, felt bad for scaring and upsetting him; But still surprised to see somepony different as from her, the pegasi, and the earth ponies.

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