Chapter One - Excuse Me?

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Lily was late. She ran down the hall, cursing her alarm for making her tardy to her first class at university. She had managed to get out of her small hometown in Portland and into the University of Bristol. And now, she was late.

She opened the door to her creative writing class and was greeted by stares and a glare from the professor.

"Miss Miller, I assume?"

"Uh, yeah, sorry I took directions from someone who obviously did not know where the english block was." She laughed nervously, as she sat down in the only vacant seat in the class.

"Just don't do it again." Professor Lucas tutted, "Any way, where was I before Ms. Miller interrupted us?"

"Shakespeare's best work?" A girl with large glasses said from the table behind.

"Ah yes. So as you all know, Shakespeare was..."

Lily began to take notes, knowing she couldn't miss a single thing the teacher said. She soon noticed the insanely cute  boy next to her was staring blankly into space.

"I hope I don't get paired up with him for anything." She thought to herself. The class continued on, words exchanged and minds numbed. Soon enough, the sweet salvation of the school bell rang, waking half the class from their endless slumber.

"Now remember to do the pre-reading I send you tonight. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me." Professor Duncan said, as the class hastily packed their stuff. Lily noticed that her bag strap had some how gotten trapped underneath the chair leg of the guy next to her.

"Um, excuse me, you're..."

"Yes! I'm his brother. Big whoop! It's not going to get you his contact or an autographed copy of his book. I can give you two words of advice though. Fuck off."

Lily was taken aback by his response, then angry.

"Your chair leg is on my bag strap asshole. Instead of assuming that every person wants to get into your brother's pants, which I do not, maybe learn to be a decent fucking human being."

It was then Noah's turn to be taken aback. She wasn't going to bother him about his brother? Thats a first.

She grabbed her bag and stalked out of the classroom, her entire day ruined by the boy with green eyes.


Three weeks had passed since their first encounter and they had managed to not speak to each other, despite sitting two centimetres away from each other. At least until the first project of the year.

"The person sitting with you at the desk will be your partner for the first oral presentation of the year. I want you to present your views on ....." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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