Fearless (Taylor's Version)

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Fearless (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift💛🖤

Fearless (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift💛🖤

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1. Bye Bye Baby
2. Forever & Always
3. Don't You
4. Fearless
5. Breathe
6. You're Not Sorry
7. We Were Happy
8. Love Story
9. Untouchable
10. White Horse
11. The Way I Loved You
12. Come in with the Rain
13. You All Over Me
14. You Belong with Me
15. The Other Side of the Door
16. Mr. Perfectly Fine
17. Fifteen
18. Change
19. Jump Then Fall
20. Tell Me Why
21. The Best Day
22. Hey Stephen
23. That's When
24. Today Was A Fairytale
25. Superstar

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