The Hospital [F]

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Kaveh and Al Haitham both start off as kids. Kaveh is 8 and Al Haitham is 7
(I also made up some characters so dont be alarmed)
Nobody's POV

The Nurses ran around looking for the small boy. "Kaveh? Wasnt that his name?" One Doctor said. "Yea thats him. He's always up to no good" Another doctor said. Both doctors part ways as soon as they hear giggles from a child and ruckus coming from nurses. "Kaveh! Get down from there!" Nurse Mairu yelled. She was standing on a step stool trying to get Kaveh down from a tall shelf. He was holding a large hershy bar getting readdy to eat it knowing he's not supposed to for unknown reasons. The doctor took the nurses place, as he was much taller then her and can grab the child in no time before he ate the sweet treat. "What did we tell you about eating sweet treats! You should know better by now!" Nurse Mairu yelled. "I was just hungry..." The little boy said looking down to play with his fingers. The doctor chuckled. "Teach him to be more like the other little boy.. What was his name??" The doctor thought for a little. "Ah! That boy Al haitham. Hes an angel." The doctor said smiling at the nurse. Kaveh on the other hand pouted and stomped his foot. "I dont wanna be like anyone else!" He yelled at the doctor. "Do not test me little boy" the doctor said in a stern tone. "Come along now Kaveh, we dont want to disturb the doctors any further" The nurse quietly said to Kaveh. He huffed a little but followed the nurses anyway.

With the other doctor, much more was going on. Or you can say much worse. Two teens we're trying to escape. But this hasnt happened before. When the kids become teens, they start to realize that the place they are in isnt a hospital but something much more dangerous. Almost every teen that has tried to escape, never succeeded far enough to even get out or was... eliminated. "Who are the teens?!" The Doctor yelled. "Their names are Tighnari and Cyno." The doctor knew those two were suspicious for a while now. He didnt think today would be the day they would escape. "Did you guys catch them yet?" The doctor asked in a panic. The nurse quietly looked down. The doctor groaned from annoyance. This is the first time in 2 years more teen escaped. They even tried to get better security cameras and guards too. But with the money they had, there was no way they were getting any better. "All your checks are going into the security of this building. Got it?" The doctor said walking away angrily. The nurse wanted to cry but she held her tears back. She felt a small tug on her shirt. "Ms. Nilou... when can i eat. Im hungry." The little boy names Al Haitham said. He was holding a teddy bear in his arm, and he was rubbing his eyes. Nilou looked at the boy she smiled softly. In all honesty, Nilou felt bad they had to do this to the children here. She wanted them to be set free but the job payed well, and she really needed the money. She saw many kids and teens get slaughtered or just tested. Many kids dont even make it to their 18th birthday. "Youll eat soon I promise.." she whisperd to the little boy. She picked him up and walked to the other side of the building were more of the older kids were. Kids from ages 8-13. "This is were youll be soon Al Haitham!" Nilou said. Al haitham didn't respond. He just looked around. "Ms. Nilou, can i have Al Haitham for a minute. Dr. J wants me to introduce him to Kaveh." Nurse Mairu said. She smiled happily at the other nurse. "Of course" Nilou says. She hands the small boy to the other Nurse and she walks away. Once Nilou knows the other nurse is gone, her smile disappears. Shes gonna help him escape even if it cost her life.

With Ms. Mairu

She was holding Al Haithams tiny hand while walking over to Kavehs room. "Kaveh!! Come meet your new friend" the nurse yelled. Kavhe jumped off his bed and ran to the nurse. He saw a boy his hight. "Is that Al Haitham??" Kaveh questioned. "Yes Kaveh" The nurse said quietly. She let go of Al Haithams hand and walked out the room. " Kaveh." No response. They sat there in silence for a little while. "Do you want chocolate?" Al Haitham asked Kaveh. He started to jump in joy nodding his head signaling he wanted it. Al Haitham turned his teddy to its back side and he opened it. Inside was some candy and 1 large hershy bar. She took the bar out and gave it to Kaveh. The boy took the bar and hugged the younger tightly. "Thank you! thank you! Thank you!" He unwrapped the chocolate sweet and started eating. Kaveh shoved the whole bar into his mouth. Some chocolate got on the side of mouth. Al Haitham took notice to it and used his fingers to wipe the extra chocolate off. "Eat cleaner.. im not supposed to have this.." The younger whispered. On the other hand, Kaveh was blushing because of what Al Haitham did. Kaveh grabbed the others hand and led him to where his toys were. "Do you want to play?" He asked. The other just nodded his head. Dr. J walked in to see the two playing together. It seem Kaveh was finally mot doing anything stupid for once. "Al Haitham, its time to go. Your bedtime is near" The doctor said. Kaveh started to whine and hug Al Haitham. "Noo! Dont take him away from me." The doctor tried to grab the younger boy but kaveh started to hold his hand. "Kaveh! Let go! Now!" The doctor yelled at the boy, making him let go quickly. Then he started to cry. "Kaveh you can hang out with him tomorrow. Understand?" Kaveh wiped his tears way and sniffled "ok.."

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