Do You Love Me? [F]

Start from the beginning

I woke up, my head was hurting and my nose was extremely stuffy. I looked around and was barely familiar with my surroundings. I got up and looked around. Thats when I finally realized. I was sleeping with Al Haitham, in his room. I was about to panic. I got out of Al Haithams bed, but before i started to walk i felt dizzy and i fell on the ground. I could hear Al Haitham move around from his bed.
Nobodys POV

Al Haitham had awoke to the sound of someone falling, he looked around to see what happened. And there he saw Kaveh on the floor. Al Haitham sighed, and got from his bed to help Kaveh up. "Are you ok?" Al Haitham asked. Kaveh looks at Al Haitham, his hair was messy. Kaveh laughed a bit. "Why are you laughing?" Al Haitham said, he was confused. "Ive never seen you with messy hair.." Kaveh said. Al Haitham blushed a bit. Then it became awkward. Kaveh then sneezed and it went all over Al Haitham. Kaveh started to laugh because of Al Haithams facial expression. "Your disgusting..." Al Haitham said, walking to his bathroom to clean off the snot. After Al Haitham went to the bathroom, Kaveh tried to move again. He was slightly dizzy but he managed to get up. He walked out of Al Haithams room and walked all the way outside for fresh air. The Sunlight started to make Kavehs head hurt so he went back inside. "Why were you outside?" Al Haitham asked. "I just wanted some fresh air. But what happened yesterday?" Kaveh asked. "Well... a lot happened so.." Al Haitham chuckled.

After Al Haitham told Kaveh everything that happened last night, Kaveh was in shock. "Me? Want a hug? From YOU? Never" Kaveh said. Kaveh was avoiding eye contact with Al Haitham. Theres was a big secret that Kaveh had been keeping from everyone. Even though he would tell Al Haitham how much he hated him, deep down inside, he actually loved Al Haitham. He just didnt have the words to express how he felt. Al Haitham sighed "I hope i can read in quiet and peace today" he said as he got up and walked back to his room. Kaveh also decided to walk back to his own room, and rest some more.
Hours Later (Around 5pm)

Al Haitham was reading his book, but for some reason, he just couldnt seem to stay focused on the book. His mind was filled with what Kaveh had told him. Kaveh telling Al Haitham that he loves him was very new, thats why Al Haitham ignored it. He would have no answer either way. But the more Al Haitham thought, the more he felt his heart beat. "Did he mean that? Or was it just his drunkness..?" Al Haitham questioned. That was also the only thing he didnt tell Kaveh about. Even though he felt annoyed by Kaveh all the time, he couldnt help but think if it was true. He wanted know.. No, he needed to know... Al Haitham got up from his bed and left his room. It was oddly quiet, so he knew that Kaveh was probably sleep. He walked to Kavehs room and opened the door. There, as he expected, he saw Kaveh fast asleep with drewl coming from his mouth. He patted Kaveh so he could wake up. Kaveh started to make sounds, noting that he was awaking. Kaveh opened his eyes and stretched. "Yes Al Haitham?" Kaveh said in a sleepy voice. "There's something i didnt tell you about last night." Al Haitham said. Kavehs heart sank a bit. He was worried it might have been something bad if Al Haitham was telling him so late. "What is it?" Kaveh said. "Yesterday.. you told me that you loved me. Is that true?" Al Haitham asked. Kavehs heart dropped. He didnt know what to say. "And dont lie." Al Haitham said in a serious tone. Kaveh was thinking of a way to back out of the question. But he snapped out of it when Al Haitham clapped his hands together. "Today Kaveh" he said. "Ok fine ill tell you..!" Al Haitham was happy to hear that Kaveh was going to tell him. "No.. i was just joking around. I don't actually love you. Im sorry" Kaveh said immediately. Al Haithams slight smile faded away. He didnt want to admit he was disappointed to hear that. Kaveh didnt evem give Al Haitham eye contact when he said that. He looked down amd fiddled with his hands. "I see" Al Haitham said. He then walked out.
After that day, everything between Al Haitham and Kaveh felt weird. They went back to arguing a lot. Kaveh would drink as usual. If anything Kaveh would drink more. Al Haitham wouldn't pay attention to it at all. He would even lock his doors when he knew Kaveh would be drunk. Until one day. Instead of Kaveh coming home at 9-11pm like he always did. He didnt come home at all. Al Haitham wanted to not worry about it, but the more later it got, the more worried he got. It was becoming almost 3am and Kaveh still wasnt hone. "Where is he?" Al Haitham go up from his bad and unlocked his door and walked out. He walked outside and thats when he said Kaveh just sitting outside. Hes been sitting out there for hours. Al Haitham knew the Kaveh had his keys, so he didn't understand why he wouldn't just walk in like he always did. Something that stuck out to Al Haitham was that Kaveh didnt reek of Alcohol. He smelt normal, or as if he didnt drink at all. Al Haitham patted Kaveh to wake him up. Kaveh then picked his head up. "Why are you outside? Its almost 3.." Al Haitham said in a worried tone. When Kaveh saw Al Haithams face, he started to cry, and he latched on to Al Haitham and started to hug him. "Im sorry i lied.. i do love you.. i love you so much it hurts me when we argue" Kaveh said. Al Haitham didnt know how to react. He just hugged Kaveh back. "I love you too"

Al Haitham grabbed Kaveh by his hand, and walked up to his room. "Kaveh. I'll let you stay here again. But thats if you want to of course." Al Haitham said. "I want too. Let me stay" Kaveh said. Al Haitham gave a slight smile to Kaveh. Then after Kaveh and Al Haitham get comfortable, they both lay next to each other. "I really love you.." Kaveh said "I know Kaveh. I love you too" Then they both fell asleep comfortably.

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