Chapter Seven

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I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I never felt this numb after what happened last night. I have no idea of what to say to Steph after the incident. She will ground me for the rest of my life for sure. I sat down as I looked out of the window where the sun shined brightly. How I wished the sun would take me and maybe give me an advice of which I could make use of. As I couldn't quit thinking about it there was a knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" Stephanie said sweetly.

"Sure." I said as I bit my lip.

Stephanie looks good again. She looked so vibrant and beautiful. Good thing she had recovered from her drunken side.

"Hey there! You don't look so happy. Are you okay? It's just nine o'clock in the morning." She asked smiling.

"Oh c'mon, I'm just alright. How about you? Are you feeling human already?" I said, jokingly.

"Never felt better!" She laughed. "How was the night?" she asked.

How I wished she never thought of asking that question.

"Oh, that one?" I smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, that one!

Not the part where I go vomiting around the place." She laughed again.

"Well... It was okay." I told her.

She just stared at me for ten seconds waiting for a story that I could tell. She's doing these weird sign languages that meant "No sweet stuff? No hugging? No kissing what so ever?"

"The night went fine." I said to cut those annoying sign languages.

"That's it?" she asked disappointed.

"Yeah, I think so?" I told her.

She held my hand tight and asked. "What really happened? Did you do it?"

"What? Oh God Steph! I'm going to vomit." I told her with disgrace.

"You're pregnant?" She asked.

"No!" I told her angrily.

"Okay, okay, just messing around with you." She laughed at me.

"You ruined my morning Steph." I said as my eyes felt droopy.

"That's what you get if you keep on lying to me." She told me.

"What do you want me to tell you?"

"Oh nothing much, just about those terrorists who attacked you last night? A story about what happened to Sherry? I just want you to tell me the truth next time." She said with conviction.

"How did you know all of this?" My eyes widened.

"No need to wonder. Rico told me all about it." She confirmed.

That guy really ruins everything. Now what will I do? Stephanie already knows it. From now on, she will never let me out in the evening. Well, maybe I can sneak out. She's always drunk anyways.

"So... are going to ground me for the rest of my life?" I asked her, even though I already know the answer.

"No." she said sternly as she stood up.

Wow, I didn't expect that.

"Wait. Are you serious?" I can almost feel my grin reaching my ears.

"Yes, I made a solution for it anyway." She told me as she is already walking for the door.

"What solution?" I dared to ask.

She stopped and turned around. "Rico is leaving. I called- ugh! Forget it."

Coward PrinceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon