-It didn't seem like it a few minutes ago, it was obvious that you loved that burden too much- Benedict mocked.

Colin scolded his brother with his eyes, Pen lowered her head because she was ashamed.

-Well, let's go- said Eloise, holding out her hand to Penelope.

-With me?- Pen said confused.

-You told your mom that we were together, Benedict had to help me hide so they wouldn't see us leaving, we're supposedly in the park, so we're leaving. Or you want to continue what you were doing when we arrived.

She thought Penelope blushed again <yes that's what I want to do>she thought Pen took Eloise's hand, but not before giving Colin a quick kiss goodbye.

The brothers heard them leaving the house.

-Brother, you can't be left alone, especially in this house, at least once you get married.

-I didn't bring her, she came alone, I was sleeping, she was there...

-You know I envy you, I would also like to find mine, but I am sure I would control myself better. On the other hand, if we don't interrupt, she would already be pregnant by now.

-That's what you say, because you've never been in love.

-The desire is the same.

-That's what I thought, but it's not-Colin added- Do you remember how I liked Marina?

Benedict nodded.

-Well, in her attempt to commit me, she took me to a room and seduced me, we were at a reasonably reckless distance. Believe me, I wanted it a lot, but I rejected it. I was able to contain myself. With Pen it is very different. It's just that she looks into my eyes and I'm already begging for her contact, when I think I have control over my body I'm already touching her, kissing her. I even yell at myself to stop, but all I have to do is look at her to break me. Believe me brother, it's very different when you're in love.

Benedict looked at his brother with surprise, he knew that Colin loved Penelope, but what he saw in his brother was something else, it was love and for the first time in his life, Benedict felt jealous of his brother. On the other hand, he knew that he had to take more care of the secret of his future sister-in-law, because Colin, in his state, was not going to be intelligent at all.

Penelope and Eloise arrived at the park in Colin's carriage.

-We must stay at least an hour so they can see us, then we can return home," declared Eloise.

-Okay- Pen said.

They began to walk together, like in the old days.

-Then- said Eloise.


-Don't you feel disgusted when you do those things?

-what things? -Penelope didn't understand what her friend was referring to.

-with my brother.

Penelope looked at her friend, she was blushing looking at the floor, which made her smile. It might be the first time she had seen Eloise embarrassed.

-Of course not, maybe you see it that way, because is your brother.

-It's not that - Eloise suddenly felt shy - I tried to imagine myself with Theo, doing what you did and it felt uncomfortable.

-for good? -She responded without looking at her friend, quite blushing.


-There's your answer: you really didn't like him; you were probably just attracted to his ideas because they were similar to yours. But that wasn't love.

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