Colin finally felt he had given such a hateful woman what she deserved. That face was quickly forgotten, after talking to her for only three minutes, he didn't remember talking to anyone worse than her, not even Duke Williams was that pitiful.

The dance is over.

Colin bowed, at least he knew that Penelope's honor was not in question.

He looked among the couples looking for Pen, the duke was saying something in her ear, she looked uncomfortable.

-Your Excellency as the lady's fiancé, I must tell you that if a lady steps on you during a dance, look for the ice yourself. -He approached-I don't know what you're trying to do, but Pen is already my fiancée, if she has an incident like tonight again, I'm very willing to defend her honor.

He took Penelope's hand and met up with the other Featheringtons. They got into the carriage to go home. When Portia arrived, she left them for a minute to say goodbye.

-Leave the window open, we have to talk- Colin said.

Minutes later he went to house number 5 and entered Eloise's room. Who jumped when she heard the door.

-It's you, I felt my heart burst out- Eloise said.

-You already finished it?

- Almost there, give me a few minutes, Colin sat on the bed, while his sister finished writing and letting the ink dry.

When El finally finished, she woke Colin, who had fallen asleep for a few minutes.

-You must be exhausted, if you want I'll take it to Pen tomorrow.

-No, it should be published early tomorrow.

He took the scroll and left. 🏠 Featherington had everything turned off, he watched the street to ensure no one was there. When he entered Pen's room, she was sitting on the bed, eyes closed.

-Pen- he whispered -are you awake?

She nodded without opening her eyes, Colin kissed her softly.

-You're not angry? -said- Pen


-What happened with the duke.

-In the future I would like you not to be alone with him or any other gentleman, but I am not angry about that.

-oh really? Because I saw you dancing with Cressida, I must add that I didn't like it one bit.

-You're almost engaged to the Duke and what you're worried about is a dance in public view with Miss Cowper?

Penelope realized it was more prudent not to mention anything about the incident. Colin took out the parchment.

-Your assistant- he gave it to her- you must add the explanation of what Cressida saw, because half a ton must already know it. By tomorrow they will force you to marry him if we don't intervene, or you work your magic.

Pen read what was written, her friend did know Lady Whistledown's style. She just corrected a little and added the incident.

-Now tell me where should I go? -said- Colin.

-I'm going with you.

-You made a promise, remember?

Echoes of Society

Dear Reader: Did you miss me?

This new season is just beginning and there is a lot of fabric to cut. Miss Francesca Bridgerton was named by our Highness as the Diamond of the Season, but she only lasted a couple of weeks with the title as she has been engaged to Mr. Stirling. Speaking of one of the most essential and scandalous families in London, the third Bridgerton surprised us last Thursday when he proclaimed that she wanted to court our favorite citrus fruit.
Although we should change the nickname for Miss Penelope Featherington since after traveling to foreign lands for several months, she brought an excellent wardrobe and suitor. Because not only the third Bridgerton is interested, also the handsome Duke Williams who indicated his intention to court the youngest of the Featheringtons.

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