~Serious Conversation~

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He slowly stops talking while he was almost finishing his words, he looks away with dejection. Filimena couldn't understand even more when he didn't finish what he was trying to explain.

"W-What do you mean? What happens next? Please, talk to me, I need to know what happens."

She said, but Asmodeus still couldn't answer, still looking away, FIlimena placed her hand onto his leg, she then senses the feeling on him, she felt he was worried and almost scared even. This still took her in question.


Silence was filling the room, until Asmodeus decided to leave, he turns around to walk away, and then stop before he could go further, looking back at Filimena.

"Look, I need my time alone, I need to..Process some stuff, You can stay or go, I don't mind at all, but, I can't stay out for all."

He said as he left, Filimena was left alone as she heard the door closed. She felt a little guilty, and thought about the things he said, and slowly walks away as well, looking back to where Asmodeus went to, she then sighs, and knew it was pointless to stay if he won't come out right now. So she decided to leave him alone. She heads back through the halls where a bunch of succubi were working and chatting, She looks around as she passed by the portraits and artifacts. She slowly heads to the elevator, and down she looks. Filimena couldn't get rid of the pain her stomach, as all the guilt is dropping and weighing her down, she couldn't stop thinking about the concerning feeling on Ozzie, the sadness and worry was really triggering, and it made her feel sick, not from all the sugar or the alchol, but the feeling of her to-be husband.

It didn't take long until the elevator stopped to her destination, the doors open for her, and soon she leaves. She passes by the fountain, structures of many different succubi piled together, she makes her way to the exit, but was caught by the secretary.

"OMG! That's the most gorgeous design ever!"

Filimena turns around to see a succubus with glasses, pink hair, and some freckles on both cheeks, she was admiring Filimena's appearance as she comes close to her.

"Wow, look at that tail! It floats but sparkles? How amusing it is to see that! The horns, and the dress, my gawd! Sign me up on this latest fashion!"

She eagerly checks her out, which Filimena uncomfortably watches.

"Uhh..Thank you? But I'm not sure on what you mean by that."

"Oh sorry! It's just that anything that sparkles and has the color always get to me! I'm a lover for unique fashion!"

She said, fixes up her glasses.

"Sorry if I scared you a bit, Am I really scaring you?"

"Oh no! You're not, not at all, It's just that..I never got that attention from someone, or anyone who would compliment like that about me."

She blushed, feels embarrassed while rubbing her arm.

 "Why not? You must be one of the most amazing looking demons I've seen, I never seen something that has a floating tail like that before, kinda like a spirit tail."

"Actually, I am a Hell Spirit."

The secretary's eyes bulge when she heard that, she looks at her again closer, and soon realized of what she said was true.

"Hold it! You're saying you're THE hell Spirit!? My gawd! So it is true! There really are spirits roaming around Hell! I've never seen one up close, my mom told me there are suppose to be incorrect souls of demons that died but went far down in Hell as either magic sources or something, but never I heard her see they walk!"

~Marriage Of Asmodeus~ (Updated)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu