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after jisung went back home.

I saw him glare at me.

I'm used to it at this point.

"What is your problem!!?"

I stood up and glared back.

I saw him do a little shiver.

"What's my problem?? You've been ignoring me lately!"

He went quiet as he looked at me, he almost acted like he wanted to call me a liar.

"Junji.. I can't keep playing these games... I'm done."

I packed my things and I left.

After Yoojung left, Junji's anger went down, and he looked around for him.

But all of his stuff was out of the apartment.

Junji quietly sits in the couch.

a tear slipped down his cheek.

Yoojung walked down the sidewalk, rolling his suitcase behind him.

Yoojung's pov

I looked up at the sky and I saw it was getting late.

I saw Jisung outside his apartment, I didn't stop, I just walked by.

Not even when I heard him say my name.

I walked down the street and I went into a café.

I sat down at the park and put my head down on the picnic table, covering up with my arms.

I won't lie.

I started to cry.

I tried to be a good boyfriend, but everything just fell apart, I got pushed to the side alot...

I wiped my tears when I heard someone crunch through some leaves with their boots.

there in front of me is Jisung.


Jisung looked at me.

"I... didn't mean to come between you and Junji... I'm really sorry..."

I wiped my tears away and look at him.

"I'm really sorry Yoojung..." he said as his eyes became misty with emotion.

before I could say anything, I saw him run off.

Junji Yoojung [Book 1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt