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While we sat talking, he looked at me, with a look.

I didn't know what this look was, I tried to decipher, without asking, but after a few minutes, my head started to hurt, do I asked him.

"You look really pretty under the moonlight."

I blushed and immediately wanted to hide, I don't know why, but every time someone compliments me, I get really shy, have to bite my tongue, so I don't answer with, "I don't see it, but thankyou."

I'm trying to get better in that department.


Our friendship used to be really rocky.

He used to have an attitude, and wouldn't talk.

Just answer questions shortly.

It got tiring...

I looked outside at the moon and I felt him lay his head against mine.

it was a peaceful night, the guys were in their rooms just playing games or watching TV.

Me and him were in the living room, looking out the window, with our view of the city laid out in front of us.

I heard him yawn.

it was getting rather late, but for some reason, I didn't want to move from this position.

I guess because after a few years, of not being close, or arguing over stupid stuff.

We are closer and it makes me smile.

Trainee era, was difficult, but I'm really glad, we debuted and became closer.

Junji Yoojung [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now