Sure, he was calm, but that was only because he accepted thie as the end.

"Don't say that Bad, we're gonna get out of this." Skeppy said, feigning cheerfulness and pulling out a small can of beans. He could smell the metal in the food as he opened it and put the first spoonful into his mouth, cringing at the metalic aftertaste. He'd never get used to apocalypse  food. 

Bad looked at the beans and made a suppressed gagging noise. "You're not even gonna try to heat it up? Not even a little?" The demon's green eyes were fixed on the beans still, despite his disdain for the way his comrade was eating them. 

"Well it's not like I could really heat it up in here. There's no fire and I haven't seen a working stove in two and a half years." The diamond hybrid replied, spooning the beans into his mouth again, and watching with satisfaction as Bad gagged again. "Gross." He groaned, searching through his bag for a can of beans of his own. 

Skeppy looked outside and frowned. It was pitch black out there. Not a single light was on anymore. 

The diamond boy could still remember when cities were lit up by thousands of differently colored lights, and cars and people swarmed the streets like ants. He missed the glowing colors that felt like energy itself in a physical form. 

Bad on the other hand, enjoyed how dark it was; he couldn't see the zombies, and he liked to pretend that this wasn't true, that he and Skeppy were safe. But sadly, he could still hear their unearthly groans emitting from far below them, and he was scared. 

Scared that he would lose Skeppy. 

Scared that he would lose his life. 

Scared of it all. 

He didn't want to become a zombie, and he didn't want to die. 

He didn't want Skeppy to become a zombie, and he didn't want Skeppy to die. 

The demon opened the bean can and held it up to the heater, a forlorn feeling settling in his gut as he watched the cold beans remain unchanged under the heater's hot air blowing weakly out of it. 

"Just eat 'em, Bad. They're not gonna warm up." Skeppy's amused voice drew Bad's mind away from the dark thoughts and fears that were roaming freely in his headspace, and pulled out his spoon with a long, drawn out sigh. "It was worth a shot." He said, forcing a cheerful tone, although his comrade saw right through it.

 But it was still mildy comforting to know that he wasn't stuck with the side of Bad that was straight up scared to death and made it everyone's problem.





After a while, Skeppy had fallen asleep, and Bad was sitting by the heater with the other boy next to him. 

The heater was almost dead, and Bad could feel the cold creeping in on him like a prowling predator, barring it's freezing cold fangs at him. He looked to the diamond hybrid boy leaning against the wall beside him. He looked cold. Bad pulled Skeppy's thin blanket closer to it's owner, hoping to warm his comrade. 

He leaned back against the wall as well, sighing. He was beginning to doubt the survivability of this situation even more. It was cold, dark, and they were right smack in the middle of a zombie ridden city. 

What else could go wrong? Nothing, apparently.  Bad pulled out a blanket from his bag, and laid it over Skeppy's sleeping form. 

Bad was a demon, so he naturally ran warm, while Skeppy had the heating mechanics of a regular human, if not worse. 

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