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He summoned his followers as she lay there on the ground, trembling from the aftermath of the curse, trying to gather her wits. They watched as her wand and Voldemort's connected, how she broke the connection and ran back to Diggory's body, and Lucius secretly Accio'd the cup for her. The crowd cheered before realization dawned on them. She refused to let go of his corpse. Moody then took her away from the crowd. They watched as he pointed his wand at her only to suddenly lower it in defeat. The Polyjuice began to wear off only to reveal to Barty's complete and utter horror, it was him! He did that to her! How could she even look at him? Let alone be friends with him after what he'd done? They watched and listened as the older version of Barty explained everything, and his heart broke when she begged for him to run, to escape, but he refused, believing he deserved whatever was gonna happen to him. Her reaction to finding out he was gonna be kissed by the Dementor... they literally had to knock her out.

The next memory was when she awoke... in Azkaban. How could they put her in Azkaban!!? She was forced to relive every horrid memory she had. The Dementors crowded around her bars so much that actual Aurors had to do patrols just to make sure they didn't enter her cell. Some Aurors who were close with the Diggory family found amusement in taunting and tormenting her. They even moved Thorfinn Rowle into her cell one night. He waited until it was clear to attack her. She managed to use her chains to defend herself. He was clearly there a lot longer than her and very much weaker than she was. By the time the Aurors returned for the next patrol, Thorfinn Rowle was dead.

When she was released, she was immediately taken to Grimmauld and introduced to the Order of the Phoenix. She learned that the Daily Prophet spent all summer trashing Dumbledore and her name, that there was a weapon that Voldemort was after, and that he was using Fudge's ignorance to his benefit. They watched as she finally confided in Black, telling him the truth about the Dursleys, her theories about Dumbledore, her school years, everything that happened to her. Ara and Black spent the rest of the summer ripping Grimmauld apart and purposefully redesigning it to look absolutely horrendous before she was made to return to Hogwarts. It was the only thing she could think of to help get Black's mind off being trapped in his own terrible childhood home.

Black had given her a gift, a magical communication mirror, and told her to just make it through the year as he was working on a surprise for when summer came. Everyone once again turned against her—bloody imbeciles! Hypocrites! But he never thought he would hate someone as much as he hated that Umbridge woman! She tortured Ara with a Blood Quill over and over again. When that didn't work, she even drugged Ara and locked her up in a tiny closet. Ara's supposed friends made her form "Dumbledore's Army" and teach them all, much to Ara's reluctance. Ara spent every night talking to Black on the mirror, something which greatly displeased her friends. They saw all her nightmares and her struggle with anger throughout that year.

She was sent a vision of Black being tortured, which made her spiral into panic mode. She searched her room for her mirror to call him but couldn't find it anywhere. Barty saw what Ara didn't—her friends exchanged guilty looks with one another. Did they take her mirror and hide it from her? Ara then grabbed the map to search for someone a part of the Order, but Dumbledore was gone, McGonagall was also gone (due to the whole taking on a bunch of stunners incident), and so was Severus. She then ran out of her dorm and snuck into Umbridge's office to use the Floo, where she called Grimmauld, but no one answered before she was suddenly pulled back out by Umbridge herself.

That toad-faced bitch bloody Crucio'd her! Ara managed to knock her out with one wicked punch—he wished he could replay that over and over again! On her way to the forest, she ran into her friends and told them to stay behind before she then flew off to the Ministry on the back of a Thestral. It was a trap, but Ara already expected such a thing to occur. It was part of the reason why she had told her friends to stay behind. But Ara had made a deal—Black's name cleared for the prophecy. Lucius accepted, but right as Ara was about to leave with the Death Eater, her bloody friends showed up, throwing spells around. The chaos that was unleashed next happened so fast it was almost hard to follow.

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