Chapter 5: Travelling together (part 1/2)

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The corrupted international space station was destroyedwith the help of androids from YoRHa. With Babylonia and YoRHasharing the same goal fighting the corrupted machines on earth, thetwo space stations made an alliance, which lead Gray Raven to worktogether with 2B and 9S to destroy the corrupted international spacestation that was going on both space stations nerve. While the searchfor the remains of the Punishing Heteromer was going on, Gray Ravengot the promised vacation.

Sora:" 997 ... , 998 ... ,999 ... and .. 1000."

Sora then collapsed on the ground with her arms feelingso heavy that she is sure that they must have fallen of. Sora wasfreaking exhausted after her sword practices with Lucia.

Sora:" Finally done. 1000 times all the techniques theexact way that you showed me."

Lucia:" I am sure the basic technique is now burnedinto your memory commandant."

Sora:" No point since my arms are unusable now."

Lucia:" Did I push you to much commandant?"

Lucia then asked seriously confused.

Lee:" Nothing a little rest can't fix."

Lee said as he and Liv entered the training room whereSora and Lucia were.

Liv:" Commandant! You are completely dehydrated!"

Liv said in panic as she helped half dead Sora to lifther head so she could drink some water."

Lee:" Maybe you pushed our commandant a little much."

Liv:" A Human like commandant doesn't have theendurance we constructs have."

Sora:" It's okay. I am the one who asked for it afterall and I am proud to have managed to finish all of Lucias trainingregiment for once."

Liv:" You need to rest immediately! I have anappointment soon, once I am back I'll make you some Lunch."

Suddenly Lucia had the idea to reward her commandantshard work by cooking for Sora herself. Lee then went to his workbenchnot suspecting anything and Liv went to her appointment after makingsure that the commandant was resting. Lucia in the meanwhile went toSoras room to tell Sora of her intention to reward her the same waySora always does for her by cooking for her. Suddenly Sora was scaredfor her life remembering that Lucia once managed to detonate the GrayRaven dorm kitchen while cooking something for her (true story!Lotus secret 2) and so her arm and legs got over limit boost asshe suddenly got up in panic, but seeing the innocent look in Luciaseyes of wanting to do something for her, Sora just couldn't bringherself to tell Lucia not to despite the consequences.

Sora:" I will join you then."

Lucia:" But don't you need to rest commandant? Youlooked exhausted after we finished training."
Sora:" Afterhearing that you want to cook for me I feel like revived."

Luciatook that as compliment ... After changing clothes Sora and Luciawent to buy some ingredients. On the way back they past a fullarcade. Apparently there was a mini team tournament going on and theprice for first place was a limited edition frog plush. So of courseit caught Lucias attention immediately. Lucia then turned to Sorawith pleading eyes and of course Sora agreed to enter, everythingthat would make Lucia happy. Sora then signed herself and Lucia in atthe last moment. The competition didn't seem to be to dangerous so itlook like they had a good chance of winning, but then they made eyecontact with a duo that seems to be expecting them.

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