The Boss's Boss.

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Summary: Uhhh Liam is Zayn's boss but Zayn is Liam's boss. ❓❓

you'll see what i mean soon enough :)

(Third Person POV)
Liam Payne. He was known in town as the 'scariest and strictest' boss around. Everyone who worked for him were careful to not make any mistakes otherwise he'd fire them right away. If you tell a normal person that they're going to be interviewed to be Liam Payne's assistant, they'd probably cry or cancel it.

But Zayn Malik isn't a "normal person". He's not like a wizard or anything! He's human (I'm pretty sure), but he isn't scared of Liam Payne. See, Zayn was the most dominating dominant to ever exist. You could get a 7ft tall, super buff man in front of Zayn and Zayn would have him kneeling in seconds.

So when Zayn's best mate Louis told him that he's going to go be interviewed to be Liam Payne's assistant, Zayn was excited. He had heard a lot about this 'scary' man and he wants to meet him. After a couple days, the big day finally arrived.

Much to his dismay, Louis fucking Tomlinson woke him up at 5 am; saying he needs to get up bright and early in order to get the job. Zayn isn't dumb, he knows Louis only wants him to get this job so he can stay out of the house and Louis can invite Harry over and fuck him.

After Louis literally had to drag Zayn out of bed, Zayn got ready and drove to the office place thing (a/n: leave me alone, im dumb 😔) and parked his car. He took a deep breath, fixed his tie and walked inside the building. He went up to the front desk and spoke to the lady at the computer.

"Uh hi, I'm here for the interview to be Liam Payne's assistant?" He asked politely. The woman looked up and smiled, she looked sweet. Zayn assumed she was in her late 50s probably. "Oh yes, hi honey! Are you Zayn?" She asked kindly. Zayn nodded, "Yes I am." He replied.

"Great! Come with me real quick dear, I need to explain a few rules before I let you go up to Liam!" She told him, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards a separate room. She shut the door and turned to him. "Okay hon, you need to know a few things about Liam." She said, Zayn nodded.

"One, don't call him Liam or Mr. Payne. He hates when he's called Mr. Payne because it reminds  him of his father and he.. well let's just say his father mistreated him. He also hates being called Liam in the workplace because he believes it symbolizes disrespect. The only people allowed to call him Liam are the elders.. which is why I can call him that." She explained, Zayn nodded before she continued.

"Two, never ever bring up his family. Like I said before, family is a very personal subject for him and he does not like talking about it. Since I'm the secretary, he asked me to say this to anyone who asks about his family; his family is a bunch of assholes who abused him. Both physically and mentally. But never insult them. They are his family and he loves them, even if it's one sided. He doesn't want any pity." She explained, frowning a little. Zayn just nodded, still trying to digest all that information.

"Lastly, don't expect special treatment. He won't give it to you no matter what. It's hilarious seeing everyone try to get special treatment and failing. One girl gave him a lap dance and he just shoved her off and locked her out!" She said, laughing. Zayn laughed along.

"Finally, one more thing dear." She said, moving closer to Zayn's ear to whisper something, Zayn leaned in. "He's gay, and you just so happen to be a super hot guy whose his age." She whispered before backing away and winked. "C'mon deary let's go upstairs!" She said, walking off signaling him to follow. Zayn was in shock for a couple seconds before he followed her upstairs.

They finally got to a door that had a name plate. "Liam James Payne. CEO of PTC" The sweet lady gave him a thumbs up before walking in without knocking. "What did I fucking say about not knoc-" an angry voice said loudly, stopping midway once he saw who entered the room. He sat up straight and cleared his throat. "Uh Susan! I'm sorry, didn't know it was you." He said, smiling awkwardly.

Susan just laughed and shrugged. "Don't worry about it dear. Here's the new kid, don't be so harsh on him please. He's nice. I want him to stay for more than 10 minutes." She said, before walking out of the room and shutting the door, leaving Zayn alone with this 'Liam Payne'.

The second the door shut, any trace of a smile disappeared from Liam's face. It was a stone cold glare. After a couple seconds of silence, Liam looked at Zayn and made eye contact. "I'm sorry, do I have to carry you to the chair? I'm pretty sure grown man should know how to sit." He scoffed.

Zayn's eyebrows rose. The disrespect. He would've said something about it but he didn't want to get fired before he was even hired, so he just apologized quietly and sat down. "So Mr.. Malik? Why're you here? Answer honestly." Liam—Mr. Payne asked. "Well uh Liam- Mr. Payne- uh sir?" Zayn struggled, what the hell should he call this guy?

Liam sighed. "Mr Malik. You call me sir." He said, as if explaining it to a toddler. Zayn nodded and continued. "Well sir, I need the job so that I can stay out of the house so I don't have to hear my best mate fucking his boyfriend everyday." He explained honestly. Liam choked on air at the straightforward response. His cheeks tainted pink.

"W-what?" He asked. Zayn smirked. He's been in front of the guy for 5 minutes and he already has him stuttering. "What? You told me to be honest." He shrugged, leaning back in his seat. Liam cleared his throat and sat up straight. "While I appreciate the honesty, please don't talk about.. the thing in my workplace. It's immature and irresponsible." He said firmly.

Zayn had to contain his laughter. Liam was about to pout until he realized where he was right now. He wasn't at home, he has to seem scary. "Fine, you're hired. Let's just end this. Do you have any questions for me?" Liam asked. Zayn nodded. "Yes sir, I have one." He said, Liam told him to continue.

"Why do you act so scary all the time? There's gotta be a reason." He said. Liam frowned. Of course there was a reason. He did it because when he was younger, he got so mistreated by his family. They treated him like an item, a sex toy, a punching bag. He made sure that once he grew older, he'd never let anyone disrespect him like that again. But he wouldn't tell Zayn all that, so he just shook his head and said: "No reason. You begin work tomorrow at 8. Don't be late Mr. Malik."


Ziam One-Shots || Bottom LiamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora