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"Did you guys see Kim's post? Yeah, I convinced her. You're welcome."

Corpse was currently on Kim's stream. She had excused herself while she went to go get some snacks to nibble on while she was conversing with Corpse, letting the man entertain her chat as she was gone. So far, he was bragging. Like usual.

| twitchuser1 you're so mean
leave us alone 😭😭
| twitchuser2 WE WANT HER

"Okay, and I want more the fuck," Corpse scoffed, reading chat as they came at him for having all of Kim's attention. Even streaming, Corpse kept her entertained by his comments about her. "You guys have had her for years. I just got her so, wait in line, pal!"

"Why are you arguing with Kim's chat?"

Corpse started laughing when Rae joined. She started laugh, too, at how ridiculous he sounded without context just arguing with their friend's fandom.

"What did I come back to...?"

The two started laughing and Kim did, too, because although she was entirely confused as to what was happening, their laughter combined was too addicting and Kim just had to follow along.

"Kim," Rae laughed out, breathing in heavily as she contained her laughter. "Corpse is arguing to chat about how he has your attention and they need to wait in line because they've had it enough."

"Corpse!" Kim exclaimed, dramatically gasping as she eyed her viewers acting all sad.

| twitchuser3 we weren't even
doing anything 🥺
| twitchuser4 he was bullying us first!
| twitchuser5 we were missing you
and he just made fun of us 😔

"Wow, Corpse," Rae mused, a smile on her face as she tried hiding the laughter that threatened to escape her lips once she eyed the viewers commenting. "That's so messed up. Poor chat."

Corpse gasped a little. "Don't believe those gremlins. They started it. I was simply breathing and they attacked me for no reason. They're the ones at fault." He smiled as he heard Kim's quiet giggle, clearly not wanting to interrupt his and Rae's conversation even though it was her stream. "Kim, tell them that you created your account because of me and they should thank me."

"That is true," Kim chuckled, eating her candy, shaking her head as she continued to hear Corpse's hums in agreement. "He was confused on why I didn't text him on Discord or Instagram and I told him I don't use Discord... and I don't have Instagram. So, he was there when I created it."

"And I was her first follower."

"Yeah, because he's my one and only," Kim snickered, continuing to nibble on her snacks. Corpse lightly laughed.

So Beautiful ── CORPSE.Where stories live. Discover now