Chapter 4: A Confrontation of Secrets

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The next morning Ingrid is sitting at breakfast with her family discussing the events that happened last night.

"I'm going to see Mr. Stirling today." Ingrid says casually, as if she's talking about the weather.

Jumping up from his chair, spilling his tea. Michael Whittington, Ingrid and her sisters father exclaims. "What? Are you out of your mind, Ingrid?! That man is a snake. He jilted you at the altar and slandered your name." He glares at her, his voice rising. "How can you even think of seeing him again?"

Audrey Whittington their mother puts a soothing hand on her husbands arm. "Michael, please. Sit down and calm yourself. She turns to Ingrid with a gentle smile. "Ingrid, dear, why do you want to see Mr. Stirling? What do you hope to accomplish?"

Ingrid meets her mother's eyes with a determined look. "I want to confront him, mother. "I want to make him admit that he lied about me. That he never loved me. That he used me for his own gain." clenching her fists, her voice trembling. "He ruined my life, mother. He took away my happiness and my future. He owes me an apology."

Clara gasps, her eyes wide with sympathy. "Oh, Ingrid. That's horrible. How could he be so cruel?"

Esme snorts, her lips curled in disgust. "He's a scoundrel, that's what he is. A heartless, spineless, worthless scoundrel. He doesn't deserve your time or your attention, Ingrid."

Adelaide nods, her expression solemn. "I agree with Esme. He's not worth it, Ingrid. You should forget about him and move on with your life. There are plenty of other men who would love you and treat you well."

Ingrid shakes her head, her eyes shining with resolve. "No, sisters. I can't forget about him. I can't let him get away with what he did to me. He hurt me too much, and he hurt our family too. He tarnished our reputation and our honor. He has to pay for his actions."

Her father sighs, his face weary. "And what if he doesn't? What if he refuses to see you or talk to you? What if he mocks you or insults you or hurts you again? What if he tries to seduce you or blackmail you or harm you?"

Standing up, her posture straight and proud. "He won't do that, father. I won't let him. I'm not the same naïve girl who fell in love with him. I'm stronger now, and I won't let him intimidate me or manipulate me. I have to do this for myself, father. I have to face him and demand justice."

Audrey stands up too, her face anxious "Ingrid, we understand your feelings, but we're worried about you. It's not safe for you to go alone to his house. He might have his new wife there, or his friends, or his servants. They might try to stop you or harm you."

Ingrid hugs her mother, her voice soft. "Don't worry, mother. I won't go alone. I'll take a carriage and a maid with me. And I'll be careful and discreet. I'll try not to cause a scene or a scandal. I just want to talk to him privately."

Audrey holds her daughter close, her voice hesitant. "Are you sure about this, Ingrid?"

Ingrid pulls away slightly, her voice firm. "Yes, mother. I'm sure. This is something I have to do."

Audrey lets go of her daughter, her voice resigned. "Well then... we won't stop you, Ingrid. But please be careful and come back soon. We love you, Ingrid."

Her father stands again and gives her a quick one armed hug. "Well you better get going. He states.

Ingrid smiles at them all, her voice grateful "Thank you all for your love and support. And don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

When Ingrid arrives at the Stirling residence she is taken to the drawing room where her ex fiancé Henry Stirling was standing looking shocked and annoyed at her presence. Without any hesitance Ingrid starts talking.

"Henry, I demand an explanation. Why did you start this rumor that I am pregnant with your child? How could you do such a thing to me?

"Ingrid, I don't know what you're talking about. I never started any rumor. I never said anything about you or your condition."

"Don't lie to me, Henry. I know the truth. I heard it from Anthony, who is your friend. He told me that you told him that I was pregnant with your child, and that you couldn't marry me because you loved someone else."

"Anthony? He told you that? That's impossible. He must have misunderstood me, or misheard me, or made it up."

"Why would he do that? Why would he lie to me, or to you, or to anyone? He has no reason to do so. He has always been a loyal and honest friend to both of us."

"I don't know, Ingrid. I don't know what his motives are, or what his intentions are. But I assure you, I never told him anything of the sort."

"Then why did you leave me at the altar, Henry? Why did you break our engagement, our contract, our promise? Why did you marry Rosalind instead of me?"

"Ingrid, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I'm sorry for hurting you, and disappointing you, and embarrassing you. But I had no choice. I had to marry Rosalind."

"Why? Why did you have to marry her? What was so urgent, so important, so compelling?"

"Because she is pregnant with my child."

Ingrid gasped and looked at Rosalind, who was now standing next to Henry, holding his hand.

Rosalind looked at Ingrid with fear and guilt.

"Ingrid, please forgive me. Please don't hate me. Please don't blame me."

"You're pregnant with his child? How long have you been pregnant? How long have you been seeing him?"

"I'm four months pregnant, Ingrid. I've been seeing him for six months."

"Six months? Six months! That means you were seeing him while he was engaged to me! That means he was cheating on me with you!"

"Yes, Ingrid. Yes, we were."

Feeling hurt and betrayed Ingrid shouts, "How could you do that to me, Rosalind? How could you do that to anyone? You were my friend! You were my confidante! You were my maid of honor!"

"I know, Ingrid. I know. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Rosalind is starting to tear up now and her voice is pleading almost begging.

Ingrid almost feels sorry for her almost.

"Sorry? Sorry is not enough! Sorry doesn't change anything! Sorry doesn't fix anything!"

"Ingrid, please understand. Please listen."

"Understand? Listen? What is there to understand? What is there to listen to?"

"Ingrid, please hear me out. Please let me explain."

"Explain what? Explain how you betrayed me? Explain how you stole him from me? Explain how you ruined my life?"

"No, Ingrid. No. Explain how I love him."

Ingrid looked at Rosalind with disbelief and disgust.

"Love him? Love him! You don't love him! You don't know what love is!"

"Yes, Ingrid. Yes, I do love him! And he loves me!"

Ingrid opens her mouth to shout some more but Henry intervenes.

"Stop shouting at my wife! Can't you see you're upsetting her more and our child!" "Also," he says "I want you to address us as Mr. and Mrs. Stirling."

Ingrid looks at Henry with contempt and hatred.

"Is that true, Mr. Stirling? Do you love her?"

Mr. Stirling looked at Rosalind with affection and admiration.

"Yes, Miss Whittington. Yes, I do love her!"

Ingrid looked at them both with anger and sorrow.

"Well then, congratulations! Congratulations on your marriage! Congratulations on your baby! Congratulations on your happiness!"

She turned around and walked away from them.

She left them behind, and left behind her dreams, her hopes, her life.

She walked away, with tears streaming down her face and never looked back.

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