chapter 2

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warnings? idk, might be cringe (MEGA UPDATE: MEGA CRINGE GUYS TAKE MY WORD I BEG)

First Tutoring Session

There was no way in hell Kylie was actually going to do this. She was in sitting at her desk in the middle of class. And there he was. Miles Morales. Her biggest enemy. Just across the classroom, he was writing things down in his notebook.
"Should I really go up to him...?" She wondered to herself. "Eh, what could possibly go wrong?.."

Kylie hated Miles with a burning passion and he had hated her the exact same way. Ever since they laid eyes on eachother, they just knew that they wouldn't get along well. But the only problem was that she needed a Spanish tutor as she was failing her Spanish classes... and the only person she could ask to tutor her right now was Miles.

She walked over to his desk but was already starting to regret it. However, it was already too late to go back now as he had already looked up at her.

"What do you want, hm?" He murmured, malice evident in his voice.

"Uhmm... I-" She was already stuttering.

"Well? What's it you need?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Soo... Y'know how I'm failing my Spanish classes..."

"Oh, gosh. You're going to ask me, aren't you?" He rolled his eyes at her before sighing.
"Go and get your books. We're doing this after school."

"Oh... I guess that wasn't so hard now... Was it?" She thought.


Time had passed and the bell rang, signalling the end of the school day. As students started to exit the classroom, Miles got up, looking back at Kylie.

"Hurry up and follow me." Miles spoke as he glared down at her, his eyes full of pure hatred towards her. He stormed out the classroom and down the hall. She quickly followed behind to see where he was going. It seemed like he was heading to the school library.


Miles collects a bunch of books and heads to a table with two chairs.

"Sit." He commanded, sternly. Kylie was just about to say something but paused. And then hesitantly sat down.
"So, what do you already know in Spanish?" He asked, getting straight to the point as he opened the textbook, taking a look at it.

"Dunno." She shrugged. "I know some Spanish."

"Hmm... Okay, well, do you know the words “soy” and “estoy”?" He mumbled.

"Aw, hell naw, man, I can't-" She started before she was suddenly interrupted.

"aW, hElL nAw, MaN, i CaN't," he mocked, mimicking the way her mouth moved with his hands. Kylie remained silent for a few moments, processing his mockery.

"... What? Why did you do that?" She asked, genuinely confused by this sudden rudeness and feeling quite offended.

"Pay attention." Miles demanded. But she refused to do so.

"No." She said.


"Yeah, no."

"Why? I thought you needed tutoring?"

"No, I'm done." She got up out of her seat, turning to leave the library. Miles was slightly baffled by this as he had no idea why she was refusing to listen to him out of the blue. He chased after her, grabbing her arm to prevent her from leaving so soon.

"Where do you think you're going?" He questioned her, still holding on to her arm with a firm grip so she doesn't leave.

"Well, if you're going to just go on and mock me the entire lesson, I should just leave then, shouldn't I?" There was a lot of emphasis in her words.

"And... Don't touch me." She spoke sternly as she slowly lifted his hands off of her.

------ march 10th 2024 im telling you guys this is not my best work but why did I put more effort into this than my other stories......


it all started with a tutoring sessionWhere stories live. Discover now