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Parking the Impala in front of the medical building, Dean straightened his tie, smoothed down his suit jacket, and looked at Sam. "Do I look like a government agent?"

Sam rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Dean. You look fine."

"But do I look like an agent? We have to pull this off, Sammy. Otherwise, they won't let us into a medical facility."

Sam clipped his fake I.D. to his jacket and made sure the name was facing out. "You look fine."

Dean straightened the tie once more and looked Sam over, scoffing. "You look nothing like a doctor. Who is this guy anyway?" He looked closer at the name and chuckled. "Mallard? Dr. Mallard? I bet people call him Ducky."

Ignoring his brother, Sam opened the door and walked in. Dean hurried to step in front of him.

"The agent goes before the doctor." He hissed causing Sam to roll his eyes.

The receptionist stopped them from passing the desk.

"Can I help you guys?"

Dean immediately smiled his charming smile. "Hi. We're NCIS. We were called about a dead Marine."

Hurrying around the desk, she opened the door and let them in. "They're waiting for you in the back."

Dean winked at her as he walked by, grinning when he noticed the blush pinken her cheeks. Sam noticed her look down at his name tag and hurried past her.

"Do you have to flirt with everyone you meet?" He snarked, looking over his shoulder at the receptionist talking to two people standing at the desk.

"Only the attractive ones. Now let's go look at this body and get out of here."

Sam knelt next to the body and looked around before reaching over and moving the Marine's collar. It was as he feared. Two puncture wounds. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Dean talking with another Marine and continued examining the bruises.

"Excuse me,"

Sam looked up and saw an elderly man dressed in a blue jacket with "Medical Examiner" written on the left side standing over him. His English accent threw him off guard.

Standing quickly, Sam extended his arm to shake the gentleman's hand. "I'm Dr. Mallard from NCIS, and you are?"

The man stopped his movements mid-shake and looked up at him with curiosity. "You're Dr. Mallard?"

Sam nodded. "From NCIS. You are?"

Dean walked over as another older gentleman approached Sam. "Doc, what did you find?"

"I was just introducing myself to this guy," Sam answered.

Dean extended his arm to shake the Englishman's hand. "Hello. I'm Agent Gibbs."

The Englishman looked to his partner, worry in his eyes. His partner, on the other hand, stepped forward.

"What did you say your names were?"

His salt and pepper hair cut short on the sides and floppy on top. The way he stood stiffly told Sam he was former military.

"We're NCIS. I'm Agent Gibbs and this is Dr. Mallard. I'm sorry but we've got to get back to work. The witness over there has some info if you'd like to question him."

The man pulled a badge from his pocket and held it up for Sam and Dean. When Dean read the name, he swallowed hard. He looked at Sam who was staring at the Englishman guiltily.

"Let me introduce us," the man with the badge stated, "I'm Special Agent Gibbs and this is Dr. Mallard of NCIS."

Dean's mouth fell open. How would they get out of this one?

"I'll need you two to come with me." Agent Gibbs commanded, looking at the boys. He looked at Dr. Mallard and gestured to the body. "Ducky, make sure they didn't screw up our scene."

Dean couldn't hold back the snicker when he heard the name Ducky.

"Uh, Jethro, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask these two boys their names first," Ducky said before they could walk away. He looked at Sam and Dean and waited.

Sam sighed, giving in first. "I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean. We weren't trying to mess with the crime scene or anything like that."

"Yeah? Then what were you doing?" Gibbs asked, accusingly.

"We're following up on a lead on a case of our own," Dean answered.

"What sort of case?" Ducky asked, looking at them as if he knew who they were.

"Well," Sam shuffled on his feet, uncomfortable with being put on the spot. Could he tell them? They can't just assume everyone they meet will accept their answer as the truth. Before he was able to answer, Ducky said something that rendered him speechless.

"You're Bobby Singer's boys, aren't you?"

"You know Bobby?" Dean asked, immediately defensive over Bobby.

Ducky smiled warmly, recalling a fond memory. "I do. He's an old friend of mine. And if you two are who I think you are..." he looked at Gibbs in worry, "I fear this case is bigger than any NCIS agent."

"What'd you mean, Duck? Who are these guys?" Gibbs asked, coming closer.

Ducky knelt next to the body, looking over it. He gently moved the collar and glanced up at Sam and Dean, knowingly. Nodding, he stood and looked at Gibbs.

"Jethro, there is nothing more I can do here. We take the body back to autopsy and you allow these two to come back with us. I'll fill you in when we're all somewhere I know we can't be overheard." He nodded at the boys and walked out to get another agent to help with retrieving the body.

Gibbs on the other hand, stared at Sam and Dean skeptically. "I don't know what Ducky knows but he trusts you. If you don't show up here," he handed Dean his business card with NCIS address on it, "I'll be looking for you."

"We'll be there," Sam stated, taking the card from Dean.

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