Chapter One

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~ James Residence Los Angeles ~

Los Angeles, California

Bryce was eating dinner with his family when LeBron noticed that Bryce didn't eat his dinner and would start to feel nauseous. His parents noticed Bryce couldn't eat anything and would run to the bathroom to throw up. Well it was not unusual for Bryce to deal with other symptoms because LeBron always checks him for fever and food poisoning. Not long after that, he continues back to the dining table. "Uh Bryce, what's the matter? Did you not like the food?" "Oh the food, the food is fine, it's just that I don't feel like eating," Savannah was trying to get him to eat. "Bryce you're going to starve yourself, you need to eat," LeBron and the rest were trying to get him to eat but Bryce refused to eat it. Savannah started to suspect that Bryce had been dealing with an eating disorder, so Savannah and LeBron had to take him to the hospital to figure out what was going on with him.

Next, His mother explained to the doctor that Bryce hadn't been eating and would start to vomit because of the way that the food was tasting different than what it was used to. Although, his mother thinks that he had been having an eating disorder. Yet, he would be unable to eat especially when it comes to trying to get him to finish the food. The nurse will test him to see if he had any symptoms of eating disorder in which unfortunately many people have to deal with, but then it wasn't the eating disorder. The doctor confirmed to his parents that he was pregnant. "Well the good news is, Bryce is 3 weeks pregnant," LeBron was appalled.

LeBron James: wait! Are you saying that my son is pregnant?

Doctor: Yes. He's in his 3 weeks of pregnancy.

Savannah was starting to cry. "How could this happen? Who did this to my Bryce?" She didn't realize that Bryce was expecting a baby. "Mom? Dad? I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do," Bryce said crying his eyes out. "I had no idea how this happen and I didn't know what to do," He wiped the tears on his face. "I'm sorry Mom and dad, I don't know what to do," LeBron and Savannah came to him and hugged him.

LeBron James: hey, it's alright.

Savannah James: it's okay baby, we'll figure out what to do ok? Who do you think someone took advantage of you?

Bryce James: it was Nygel Mom, he forgot about the birth control.

Savannah James: Oh my! Okay, I'll have a talk with him ok? But Bryce, you're very young to be a mom

LeBron James: This isn't like you Bryce.

Bryce James: I know dad and I'm sorry.

LeBron and Savannah: it's okay baby, we'll figure out what to do ok?

Bryce nodded and smiled.

Savannah James: come on, let's go home.

After they got back from the clinic, Bryce came to tell his siblings that he was pregnant and Bronny was surprised too. "I know Bryce, but don't worry we'll figure out what to do ok? Just relax," "Bronny's right Big brother," Zhuri smiled. "We will have a little best friend on the way and I would be playing a tea party with this little best friend," "Oh Zhuri, how do I deserve to have a bubbly little sister like you?" Zhuri hugs Bryce telling him that everything will be alright.

Bryce James POV:

I was happy to have my family by my side after telling them that I was pregnant. Although, it would be fine now since I decided to be on the softer sides haha. Although, I am going to do an online class since I don't want to go to the school in person so it will be easier for me, so that I can spend time with my family.

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