"yeah il go" i replied

she smiled relieved that i was going to meet him.

"what do i even wear?" i asked walking over to my wardrobe

"something simple but pretty i reckon" she replied

"i don't have anything like that" i said

"let me see" she said walking over to my wardrobe.

she rummaged around until she pulled out a white silk dress and a jacket.

"how about this?" she said holding it up

"i forgot i had that. it's perfect thanks!" i said taking it into the bathroom to change.

i walked back out a few minutes later wearing the outfit.

"you look beautiful!" pansy exclaimed

"thank you!" i said smiling at her

"i just realised i don't actually know where the astronomy tower is" i said

"oh, if you go left out of here and past the great hall there will be a spiral staircase, it's up there" she answered

"thanks, i should get going its 11:55" i said looking at the clock on the wall

"okay, have a good time!" she called out as i left the dorm.

i followed her directions and found the staircase.

i stood at the bottom for a moment.

i couldn't believe i was going to meet mattheo after all this time.

i felt my palms go sweaty and my stomach fluttered as i walked up the stairs.

i reached the top and saw him standing at the edge beside the railing smoking a cigarette.

"when did you start smoking?" i asked walking up next to him

he turned to face me and threw the cigarette over the rail.

"not that long ago" he replied looking into my eyes.

"what is it you wanted to talk about?" i asked

I noticed him take a breath before he began, "i wanted to know what really happened the night you left" he said

i had a feeling that's what it was he wanted.

"it was my father, he didn't give me a chance to say goodbye to you and to explain" i said

"you didn't know you were leaving?" he asked

"he told me 2 hours before our flight, i had to spend them packing." i explained

"i thought you knew and just didn't tell me" he said

"i wouldn't do that to you mattheo, i cared about you too much" i answered

"why didn't you write to me then?" he asked

"i did. i sent you a letter as soon as i arrived in new york..." i said confused

"i never got any letters y/n" he said not believing me.

"i promise i sent it" i said

"whatever" he replied turning back to the railing.

"i'm not lying mattheo" i said looking at him

my eyes scanned down his familiar body to his hands.

and to a certain ring.

he was still wearing the ring i got him for christmas 2 years ago.

i was still wearing the necklace he got me in return.

Forever his Darling ; Y/n x MattheoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ