Three - Mattheo

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September 1st.

another year at this blood hell hole.

My arsehole of a father had demanded me to go here last year so i could keep an eye and inform him of things going on.

I arrived at the platform last minute and slid into a compartment with my friends.

theo was my best friend. i'd known him before i even started this hell hole school.

he'd known her too.

My other friends were Blaise, draco, pansy and Enzo.

i took a seat next to theo who was munching on a burger.

i leaned over and took a bite out of it.

he looked over at me like i'd just murdered his family.

i flipped him off and put my headphones in.

8 hours on this bloody train to go somewhere i don't want to go.


We arrived at hogwarts and made our way to our dorms.

i shared a dorm with Theo, Draco, Blaise and Enzo.

we unpacked our things and headed to the great hall.

as we sat down at the table pansy began speaking.

"have you heard theres going to be a new girl?" she asked

"why's she staring so late?" Theo asked as he stole pansys bread roll.

"apparently shes moving here from america" she replied

"eww i don't want an american in our school" blaise exclaimed

"no she's not american! she is moving back to england, she was away for a year and has just moved back to London" pansy replied

something about that sentence reminded me of something but i couldn't think what.

Dumbledore stood at the front of the hall to make an announcement.

"We have a new 6th year student joining us this year. i hope you will make her feel welcome" he began.

6th year. my year.

The doors swung open.

and she walked in.

i Recognised that hair. that body. that face.

my heart leapt out of my chest.

"y/n..." i mumbled to myself

"who's y/n?" Pansy asked confused

"Mattheo's first love. the girl that moved to new york. the one from the photos on his bedpost" Theo answered

"that's y/n?" Blaise asked

"that's her" Theo replied

"what's she doing here?" Enzo asked

"no idea" i replied keeping my eyes fixed on her as she approached dumbledore.

"Please welcome y/n gaunt" he announced as she turned to face the hall.

Her eyes immediately locked with mine.

She looked just as shocked as i was.

she clearly wasn't expecting to see me.

Dumbledore placed the sorting hat on her head.

"Slytherin!" it called out

fuck that's my house!

i wasn't ready to see her again.

she hadn't said goodbye.

i'd fallen deeply in love with her and then she was gone like that.

I looked down the table seeing the only free seat was next to Pansy.

She walked over and sat down next to her.

"so your y/n gaunt. i'm pansy parkinson" pansy said to her.

"nice to meet you" she replied shaking pansys hand.

Her gaze slowly drifted to me.

"hi mattheo" she said cautiously

"hi" i replied not sure what to say.

there was a moment of awkward science before theo broke it.

"so y/n what are you doing back in england? at hogwarts?" He asked

"oh well, my father met someone and we moved back to london to live with her and her daughter" She replied

"who's her daughter?" Enzo asked

"Sofia miller, she's a 6th year Hufflepuff" she replied

"oh yeah i know her" Enzo replied to her.

The rest of dinner went with my friends butchering her with questions.

"do you want me to show you where the common room is?" pansy asked her

"sure thanks" she replied smiling at her.

i'd missed that smile.

i'd missed everything about her.

Theo had told me i'd changed completely after she left.

i walked with the group to the common room and watched as y/ns eyes explored the castle.

we reached the common room and i took a seat on a couch with draco.

"so y/n what's your dorm number?" pansy asked

"dorm 4" she replied

"ooh that's my dorm your my roommate then" pansy replied

"do we share with anyone else?" y/n asked

"no just us two" pansy replied

"do you want me to help you unpack?" pansy added

"sure that would be a great help" y/n replied

The two girls headed up the stairs to their dorm.

"that's wild" Theo said once they were out of earshot

"what is?" Blaise asked

"y/n turning up here of all places" Theo replied

It felt strange hearing her name after so long.

"how do you feel about it mattheo?" draco asked

"i don't know whether i'm happy or mad. she did leave with no explanation" i replied

"maybe you should try and talk to her" Blaise suggested

"maybe" i replied considering it.

Forever his Darling ; Y/n x MattheoWhere stories live. Discover now