Infinity 9 - Infinite Labyrinth - Part 2

Start from the beginning

...and then I opened my eyes, back in the elevator, on the floor and leaning against the wall. "Yes Sailor Moon." Uranus said.

"Your light shines for us in the darkness." I told her softly.

"And your light is the one that guides us." Pluto added. Sailor Moon sighed. The elevator doors opened to reveal Professor Tomoe, with four Atavisims behind him. "Welcome to my laboratory, Sailor Guardians." The silver-haired man greeted,

"Professor Tomoe." Super Sailor Moon gasped as we stood.

"I've been waiting for you. You see, my precious Daimons are starving, they have to be fed!" The Atavisims, Daimons shot their appendages at us, and we lept out of the elevator and behind the Daimons. The Daimons continued to attack us, but we continued to doge.

"Kronos Typhoon." Pluto chanted, using her attack to destroy two of the monsters. I turned to the two remaining Daimons.

"Submarine Reflection!" I shouted, sending a torrent of water to them and destroying them. I landed with the others, glaring at Professor Tomoe. The Professor started to cackle.

"Go ahead and destroy them, I can always make more." Professor Tomoe taunted. As if on que, another Daimon grew in a tube behind Professor Tomoe.

"Please stop this!" Super Sailor Moon pleaded, "We did not come down here looking to fight with you. We came to find Hotaru!"

"Hotaru? Oh, my former daughter. She's at the sacred temple, offering the Legendary Silver Crystal, the likes similar to that of the Taioron Crystal, to Master Pharoh 90 for his grand resurrection!"

"Master Pharoh 90? Who is that?" The ground then started to shake.

"Feel that? The Master's quickening has finally started."

"Whatever it is, it's below us!" I warned everyone.

"Unfortunately, none of you will get to see it because this will be your grave!" Professor Tomoe tossed his lab coat away. "You four shall have the honour of being my first victims!" Professor Tomoe then transformed, much like his assistant, and became a large purple monster with glowing red eyes. However this time, Professor Tomoe had spikes all over his body.

"A Daimon?" Sailor Moon questioned,

"I'm nothing like those expendable Daimons. I am now a super lifeform! A hybrid combination of an Alien with a human being!" Professor Tomoe shot tendrils towards us at rapid speed, however, we managed to doge easily. Super Sailor Moon narrowly dodged a beam that Professor Tomoe shot from his eyes.

"Sailor Moon!" Pluto cried.

"Space Sword Blaster!" Uranus shouted, sending her attack at Professor Tomoe. Uranus then ran forward, sword at the ready.

"Wait, don't!" Super Sailor Moon ordered, causing the other blonde to pause. "Until a few seconds ago, that thing was Hotaru's dad."

"He's not anymore. He can't turn back into a human, he's an enemy!" Professor Tomoe then shot his tendrils at Uranus, which knocked her back.

"Uranus!" I cried, turning my back on the creature. I ran towards her.

"Sailor Moon, use your rod!" Pluto said as I fell to my knees beside Uranus,

"I'm fine." Uranus groaned as I helped her stand. When she was upright, we turned to Professor Tomoe. I glared at the creature, my muscles tightening as Uranus fell into a fighting stance, her sword pointing at the monster. I was a little in front of him, shifting so that I was protecting her as much as I could.

"Return to the darkness!" Super Sailor Moon ordered, "Rainbow Moon Heartache!" Super Sailor Moon shot her attack toward Professor Tomoe, destroying him with ease. "Who's there?"

"What is it?" Uranus wondered. Super Sailor Moon looked around a little. Suddenly, the ground beneath us cracked, causing us to stumble.

"Something's coming!" Pluto warned. She lifted her Garnet Rod, and the gem in the centre shone. "Garnet Ball!" Instantly, Uranus, Pluto, Sailor Moon and I were surrounded by a red orb, suspending us in midair. The orb then shot upward, shooting us through the roof and landing on one of the Sankakusu Condo Towers. Super Sailor Moon's broach then started to shine, and her Super Sailor Moon Uniform reverted back to its original form.

"Sailor Moon!" Uranus gasped. Sailor Moon clutched herself, shaking a little. Lightning then crackled, lighting up the dark sky.

"Look!" I said, pointing. "Up there! In the sky!" Everyone turned to the lightning.

"Look down there!" Pluto called. Our heads snapped down to see what Pluto was looking at. Mistress 9, in Hotaru's body, was grinning up at us, an evil aura surrounding her.

"It's Hotaru!" Sailor Moon gasped.

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